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Evernote joined notebooks not showing up in shared notebooks

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I have joined a notebook shared by another user, but it does not show up in the shared notebooks section. I can only seem to access it via the URL and cannot access it on any of the Evernote apps. Can someone help me out? Thanks!

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  • Level 5

Since I don’t have the problem, I can’t issue a support ticket. You need to do it yourself, if on a subscription. Or wait for a subscriber that has the problem and will do. Looking at the low number of posts in the thread, I doubt it is a wide spread problem.

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  • 3 weeks later...
15 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Did you try to go to the work chat, and click the new shared content there once ? Did the job for me.

I'm new to evernote, and cannot find this "work chat".  I see this FAQ entry on work chat. It refers to the "navigation menu" and if that's the left sidebar,  the only menu options the are: "home, shortcuts, notes, tasks, notebooks, tags, shared with me, trash". No Work Chat.  On iOS or MacOS. 

Edit: Boy that's dumb. You have to explicitly enable the "work chat" features in personal settings!  (and force quit the iOS app and relaunch after that).  

still no the public evernote link was not shared via work chat but thru a google docs document link. so doesn't solve that problem.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • Level 5

You can try to rebuild the local v10 database from the EN server.

  1. Go to the Evernote menu, Preferences, and uncheck „Keep data when leaving“
  2. Log out of EN (File menu), quit EN (cmd-q). When asked confirm "Remove Data from This Device".
  3. If you want to be very sure, restart the Mac
  4. Open EN, log back in, wait for it to run an initial sync. 

Another option would be to check in the work chat if a related message shows up there: Sometimes opening that message is enough to reactivate the share. Or ask the person who shared it to you to withdraw and then renew the share. This often rebuilds it in v10.

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  • 2 years later...
  • Level 5

First you are way back on updating. The current desktop client is 10.85.2.

Second you can only share a notebook to known recipients. You can’t share it by public link any more.

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  • 2 months later...

Hmm, I followed the instructions above and I am still getting "Notebook not found". The setup I have is the owner of the notebook with a Personal subscription, and the recipient has a free account.

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