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Wepclip screenshot - Then open note and annotate - image disappears. Upload image - Then open note and annotate image remains.

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When screenshotted images were disappearing from my notes, I looked to see how it was happening and I think I found it.  I've replicated this on several occasions, playing close attention to each step.  Try it yourselves.

Use the Webclipper and save a screenshot into a note.  Open the note in the windows version, annotate it.  

Open a note, upload an image and annotate it.

When you open these two notes later, you'll see the image in the first one (made with the webclipper) is gone.

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  • Evernote Expert

Yes, this issue has been noted in other threads. The workaround is to use the built-in screen capture.  It is supposed to work with Ctrl+Alt+S but doesn't.  I can, though, trigger screen capture from the taskbar icon. The resulting image can be annotated and doesn't seem to disappear as one created from the web clipper does.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Great solution - thanks.  Except for the hundreds of notes with images I webclipped months ago before I was aware of this problem.  All the bells and whistles in the world ain't worth spit if EN just randomly torches my work.  

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15 minutes ago, smaher324 said:

All the bells and whistles in the world ain't worth spit if EN just randomly torches my work.  

Agreed. Image handling in V10 has all sorts of problems - the worse thing is that in some cases you think it has worked and then you come back and find the image missing. Some fixes have been implemented but I am still very nervous that EN will not keep my data safe - I can't believe i'm saying that about a note taking app who's raison d'etre is to keep stuff safe!

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