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Clip Button Gone From Windows

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I'm not sure how to explain this. But with the old version of Evernote there was always the little elephant head at the bottom right hand side of my computer. I could click it and select something like Clip To Evernote. I could then take snaps of things from the internet. For example, I used it to take pictures and information about the Christmas presents I bought. It was a very useful tool and made using Evernote very easy and pleasure to use. Now I'm not sure what I'll even use it for. The only thing I can think to do, is use The Windows Snipping Tool. But it's not as simple and quick.  🥺 

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Can No One Help Me?

I don't know if what I'm talking about is anything to do with what people are calling the Outlook Clipper. But I don't use Outlook. What I'm talking about was a little Evernote Clipper function that allowed me to clip anything from the internet or my computer. It was a very quick way of clipping pictures and notes. I used it every single day. It was like the Web Clipper but a hundred times better. Because I could pick exactly where to put the clip. Using Evernote has suddenly become so much harder. And nowhere near as much fun. I'd honestly have thought that clipper function to be an integral part of Evernote. Now I'm stuck with the Windows snipping Tool which isn't as fast or easy. And good old copy and paste.


Every time I turn on my laptop. To get this new Evernote to work... First I have to use the Eevrnote desktop Icon, before the other little Evernote icon will show up at the bottom of my computer screen. Then I have to click on that to Open Evernote.

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This has been commented on elsewhere. The web clipper appears to be gone for Windows. Not sure about Android. I know it's not as convenient, but you can select, copy and paste the content in a new note. That's something I started doing a while back so I could get the text without all the various web elements and unneeded formatting. If I really need to see something exactly how it appears on a website I'll take a screen snip.

I keep reading that some of the previous features will come back as they continue to work on v10, but I've not seen any dates or a roadmap. If I've missed that info, someone please point me at it.

I'm not sure what you mean about the icon, but I never let my EN auto-load at startup and always have to open manually.

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  • Evernote Expert

It isn't the web clipper that has gone. That is still available. Web clippers are add-ons to the various browsers.

The option to clip a screenshot that previously existed with version 6.25 from the system tray (and also Ctrl+Alt+S ) has disappeared from the system tray icon in EN v10. There has been a suggestion that something similar will return but nothing at the moment.

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