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Image captures not usable

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Background: I've used and advocated Evernote for years. I find it extremely valuable, but this latest update UI is just bad. I have many issues with it, but my most critical one is re image captures.

Installed the latest version and immediately discovered a crippling issue with images. I routinely use the app to selectively save images ("capture selection"), then use those in email and other apps. In the past, these images would not be saved as individual notes and could be simply and easily dragged and dropped from the clipper app to the email, etc. The new version does not keep a history in the clipper and saves each image as a separate note, which will undoubtedly require me to constantly delete and clean up my notes. So, just in case I'm missing something (couldn't find any preferences for this, but hopefully I just missed it) how do I:

1. drag and drop clipped images to another app? my workaround today is to save the image to the desktop (which converts to a png) and then I am able to use it as intended.

2. stop saving all clipped images as new notes and show them as before?

I use this function many times a day, so if this is simply no longer possible this one feature alone will encourage me to find an alternative solution, which hopefully would be to just replace the image capture tool and not all of Evernote, but I would evaluate all options at that time. Thanks!

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  • Level 5*
7 hours ago, Okmyx said:

Yes, of course. But if this is a bug in the new version, I'd like it fixed.

I'm sure it will be - but there are many other features to bring back, and Evernote don't publish a timeline.

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On 11/16/2020 at 3:32 AM, gazumped said:

I'm sure it will be - but there are many other features to bring back, and Evernote don't publish a timeline.

In any case, did you test this issue as well? It would be nice to get confirmation others are experiencing the same issue. Trying to stay on topic here, and not get distracted by corporate feature timeline or lack thereof, etc...

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  • Level 5

Frankly I want all bugs that populate the new version found and de-bugged ASAP. I expect that if one is found on computer A, it will be there if somebody goes looking on computer B.

But probably it would take a lot of time to test and find them, and even more to explain the results to EN. The only way to officially communicate is support, and it is a bit sloooooooow at the moment. 

So I use legacy, and that is it.

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