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The new windows version has several bugs.  Some go away some don't.  Here is a list of issues I have:

1. Today all my notes are blank.  They show up in the Android version.

2. Drag and drop doesn't work on a group of notes.  You have to drag one at a time

3. When I delete a tag on a note.  The note still shows up when I search for that tag, at least for a while.  Eventually it goes away.

4. Pressing F3 to add tags doesn't always work.  If I restart the app it works, at least for a while.


Right now those are the bugs that relly stop me from working efficiently.  The blank nots stop my from using Evernote for Windows at all today.

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13 minutes ago, mcarrara said:

2. Drag and drop doesn't work on a group of notes.  You have to drag one at a time

It's annoying that you can select several notes but not then drag and drop them. You can use the blue multislect menu that appears to move the notes into a notebook which is less convenient thn drag and drop but faster than doing it one note at a time.

15 minutes ago, mcarrara said:

3. When I delete a tag on a note.  The note still shows up when I search for that tag, at least for a while.  Eventually it goes away.

I'm afraid that is a feature that is not going to go away. It's not a bug. We were told in the beta that this could take up to 3 minutes. It has generally got faster (it was taking much longer than 3 minutes) but because searching is happening on the server it will never be as fast as the old version. This is a real problem if you use tags dynamically - for example to select notes to work on.


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1 hour ago, mcarrara said:

Right now those are the bugs that relly stop me from working efficiently.  The blank nots stop my from using Evernote for Windows at all today.

You could go back to 6.25.1 found here until EN gets it sorted.
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I would expect all these problems with a free app.  Using paid subscribers as beta 2 testers on production work is not a good plan.

I also discovered another "feature".  In the old version there was a way to "go to source" for  a web clipping. It is still on the Android version, but I can't find it on the web version or the desktop version.  I use that a lot.  I now clip bookmarks so I get the link and the part of the page I want and merge the notes.  Not as efficient as just a simple go to source.

I have been checking out Nimbus.  But alas it has flaws also.  Better to deal with the devil you know.  Some days I wish I stayed with programming back in college instead of administration.  I could make my own solutions.

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