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Checkbox sometimes changes to another style of checkbox

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Hope I'm describing this well - using the new checkbox feature, which is great, except sometimes when using the web client multiple checkboxes in the note change to a style that crosses out the box and line. Copied everything to a text file and back to EN and this still happens. Fixing is requires manually correcting every line - a pain for a long note. Any ideas how to get this to stop? I use both the Windows and web client, and this only happens in the web client.

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Whenever you put a checkbox at the beginning of a line EN decides (because it knows best) that you really want a checklist. You can fool it into having a checkbox at the beginning of a line by adding a space first. If you combine this with the <open square brackets><close square brackets> shortcut for a checklist/box it's not too inconvenient - three key strokes  <space>[]

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I also discovered if you have lines with checkboxes and regular text mixed in, when you edit an item with a checkbox below the regular text, those items become checklists. All of the task lines below were initially checkboxes. When I edited the line that says Task 3, the Task 3 and Task 4 lines became checkilsts.



This feature isn't ready for release. How can I tell if EN is aware of these defects?

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I completely agree that the checkbox feature isn't working correctly. I appreciate the work around (adding a space before []). That does seem to work for one-off checkboxes. But when I want to create a list of checkbox items (2 or more), I want to be able to automatically create additional checkboxes by pressing return at the end of each line (just like a numbered list or checklist).

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3 hours ago, Bithead said:

I completely agree that the checkbox feature isn't working correctly. I appreciate the work around (adding a space before []). That does seem to work for one-off checkboxes. But when I want to create a list of checkbox items (2 or more), I want to be able to automatically create additional checkboxes by pressing return at the end of each line (just like a numbered list or checklist).

Is there any reason you don't just use a checklist when you need multiple rows that begin with a checkbox? That's what the new checklist was designed for, and it gives additional useful functionality (drag and drop re-ordering, for example).

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Well, most of my frustration comes from the fact I have been a long time user of the "checklists" (for years). After I upgraded to the new Evernote client, my old "list" notes appear to have been converted to the new checkboxes. When I go into these notes to use them, edit, etc... I run into the issues user are describing above. For all new notes, I do use the checklist and LOVE the reordering feature! But the strike through feature does not work for me. I need to be able to check an item off as completed but keep the information more visible.
My suggestion is to either have strike through as an option (enable/disable the strike through) or create another type of checklist that does not have the strike through and let the users decide which they want to use.

It appears there are others who are experiencing the same frustration:


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Checkboxes show just fine, but checklists show indented, and that's awful. For thos like me working with lists within a chart/table, indented text changes the whole layout as it nedds more space (it gets wider). Is there a way around this? Everytime I press enter to note down a new item is becomes an indented checklist. 

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