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Exporting Notes and Notebooks



new to evernote app, so forgive me if I ask 

I am trying to save Notes and Notebooks as PDF files.  I have tried in 3 different clients, Windows, Mac and Web.  We are a mac shop, and use the Mac client 74.0.  I am unable to Print (multiple notes as PDF). as in pic 1 grayed out, I have tried the same with window client and am to do this.  With Notebooks cannot figure out how this is done.  Exporting Notebooks to non supported file types will not work for archiving or backups. Selecting a Notebook, will not allow to Print to PDF as choice, please help

Screen Shot 2020-09-03 at 12.38.45 PM.png

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Hi, and welcome to Evernote and to the forums. I'm on Windows rather than Mac. To the best of my knowledge, entire notebooks cannot be printed. It is possible to print/save multiple notes to PDF in Windows, as you've seen; I don't know why this doesn't work in Mac--I assume something about how Mac apps create PDFs.

I do find that I can export an entire notebook to various HTML formats. I get the dialog below when right-clicking a notebook in the list of notebooks and selecting Export Notes; on a Mac I assume it will be different. If I export to multiple HTML files, each note becomes a separate file; if I export to a single HTML file, the individual notes are separated by dividers; in the options it's possible to have each note's title and other info appear. It would then be another step to convert the HTML to PDF--assuming the HTML export is possible on a Mac in the first place. Hope this is some small help!


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No simple way on a Mac. You could try Automator or Scripting to export note by note to pdf in a sort of batch job, but I have no experience with that.

The usual way to make a Backup is by exporting it to an ENEX (HTML) file. Do it notebook by notebook, because the note-notebook-relation is lost on export.

The other way is to let TimeMachine backup your mac, which includes the EN directory. Or set up am own Backup with 3rd-party-software, and pick the EN database folder for an own backup job.

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