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Evernote sending empty emails

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Evernote has recently begun sending empty emails when we do a Share>Send a Copy on a scanned note. The email arrives at the destination, but has no attachment, only the following text: Evernote helps you remember everything and get organized effortlessly. Download Evernote.

Interestingly, if i add text in the box before hitting Send, the email received has the name of the attachment in the body of the message in bold, but no associated attachment. That does not happen if I don't add any text.

I hope someone has found a solution to this, thanks!

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I have the identical issue as tdabft.  

To answer gazumped: Yes, the original note can be viewed in Evernote Windows, with the full content visible.  And yes, the note is fully synced. 

I have been a premium user since 2009.

Thank you for your help. 



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