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Platform Feature Comparison

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Software is asking me to upgrade. Finding the so-called comparison chart was an annoying journey. The features only appear when you mouse over each version. Meaning you can only look at one version at a time.  If you actually want to compare features, you'll have to memorize what the other two versions contain.  Is it hard? No, it's not. Just annoying.  And manipulative.  It appears that Evernote doesn't really want you to compare features, at least not too closely.  Don't think about it, just jump in and subscribe.

The Feedback and Communication "Help" page states, "The best way to share your feedback is by posting in the Evernote Forums".  Correction -- if you are a Basic subscriber, the only way to share your feedback is by posting in the Evernote Forums.  Basic subscribers have to find the fine print at the bottom to discover that they have to upgrade if they want to email Evernote with their feedback.  Fair enough.  I guess.  Why the misleading statement though?  Why should members have to hunt for this information?  As well, not everyone wants to give their feedback publicly.  A feedback email address should be available, or not so well hidden if there is one.

I did not see a section in the forums specifically for feedback.  If there is one, it is not immediately obvious, and I don't have the patience to search the site for it.  This "new idea" forum seemed to come the closest to providing a place for feedback.  The lack of (or lack of prominence) of a feedback section seems to be another way to bury complaints.

Does Evernote really want feedback?

I do not appreciate the corporate bafflegab and deliberately obscure website navigation.  It does not make me want to upgrade my subscription.

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, Barb2016 said:

I did not see a section in the forums specifically for feedback.  

There is a feedback forum for each platform; for  example https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/224-windows-desktop-product-feedback/

You are posting in the Feature Request forum.  I've moved the discussion to the General Discussions forum

>>if you are a Basic subscriber, the only way to share your feedback is by posting in the Evernote Forums.

You could also post in twitter at Twitter @evernotehelps

>>Finding the so-called comparison chart was an annoying journey.

This comparison chart might be clearer for you https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005157-Which-Evernote-product-is-right-for-me-

or here

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  • Level 5*

Should not have to tell people to Google things that aren't immediately evident.

Also, from the Evernote home page (evernote.com), the "Plans" link at the bottom of the page takes you directly to the plan comparison page. Like it or not (and I'm not wholly in favor myself), that's a common model for application web pages: the splashy stuff up fron at the top, the details down at the bottom. It's a paradigm that's useful to learn.

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"Should not have to tell people to Google things that aren't immediately evident."  Glad you agree with me.

Evernote is big and its users are small.  Evernote has time and money to fix and improve things.  Its users can only provide feedback, one by one.

Are you telling me Evernote needs to shield itself from feedback about website navigation?  Its navigation is perfect, or certainly good enough, and no improvements need to be made?  That Evernote web design isn't in some ways designed to mislead and obfuscate?  Evernote cannot be wrong, cannot or should not improve?

Are you holding yourself out as an Evernote representative?  Because if you are, you might want to speak in a more circumspect way.

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  • Level 5*
25 minutes ago, Barb2016 said:

Are you holding yourself out as an Evernote representative?

This is a user discussion forum, and we're all users.

Occasionally Evernote employees pop in, but they're clearly indicated

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Replies so far have been from "gurus".  Apparently a nod from Evernote of a certain degree of trust in you.

In any event, not sure you need to defend a company from user opinions and feedback.  I'm sure they're able to handle it.

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  • Level 5*
49 minutes ago, Barb2016 said:

Replies so far have been from "gurus".  Apparently a nod from Evernote of a certain degree of trust in you.

Assumptions are worth their weight in gold (how much does an assumption weigh?). So-called "Gurus" receive that designation by post count alone. You could be one, too.

1 hour ago, Barb2016 said:

Are you holding yourself out as an Evernote representative?  Because if you are, you might want to speak in a more circumspect way

Nope. As DTLow said. I'm an Evernote user, just like you. I'm not paid in any way to be here. You have opinions, I'm allowed to have opinions, too; I thought that your initial post was overcritical, and somewhat underinformed, with its accusatory language like "manipulative", "misleading", "bury complaints", etc.. I disagree with those characterizations; my experience with Evernote has been way different. Note that I don't think that every piece of information about using Evernote is easy to find, but finding out the information you were seeking was extremely easy, via some fairly standard approaches. *shrug*

1 hour ago, Barb2016 said:

Evernote is big and its users are small.  Evernote has time and money to fix and improve things.  Its users can only provide feedback, one by one.

Actually, Evernote is a relatively small company, with over 100 million users. The amount of time and money Evernote has available to do 'X' is opaque to us. But yes, of course feedback is welcome. Even better, though, informed feedback presented in a positive way is usually even more welcome.

Anyhow, you have the information you sought, so I'll step aside. 

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  • 2 years later...
  • Level 5*

I have compiled a platform comparison note at https://www.evernote.com/l/AAoB3_fDfmpPxqvpFTQIuw-pyD5MgDc0Lrk

This is followup to a recent one sided discussion in the Windows forum
I wanted to include all platforms (the note scrolls right/left)
I'll keep it updated as more points are posted
So far, I've included the following

  1. 64-Bit
  2. Scripting
  3. Local Data Storage
  4. Note Toolbar
  5. Import Folder
  6. Batch Note Select - Merging
  7. Batch Note Select - Table of Contents
  8. Shortcuts
  9. Keyboard Shortcuts
  10. Notebooks
  11. Tags
  12. Saved Searches
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