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I have a long commute & would love to be able to dictate notes to myself while I'm driving - hands free. I've got an iPhone & CarPlay & created a Siri Shortcut in Evernote to open a specific note - but then I have to refer to the phone and touch the little tiny microphone button, which defeats the purpose of trying to do this hands free. Has anyone come up with a better way to do this? 

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For taking a quick dictated note, I use the app „JustPressRecord“ on my Apple Watch. It transcribes the dictated text, and saves it for future use as a snippet. It syncs automatically from the watch to the iPhone, where it is easier to move it later. I found this simpler than the EN watch app.

I have not tried this in the car yet. For best results and comfort I use AirPods while dictating - this may go against rules while driving.

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