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Hungarian language


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Hello, so I have some questions about EN. I've read a lot, but I can't find answers for this:

1. Is Hungarian language supported? So I speak English but I like writing in Hungarian and if it isn't support ú, ű, ó and others how should I use it for searching in my notes?

2. If I pay for premium membership I can search in my handwritten notes, for example done with rocketbook everlast's app? 

Sorry if my questions are silly, I'm looking forward to getting some answers.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  If you're using or installing Evernote on a device that is set up for an English speaking region you may have some issues switching between English and another languuage,  but the easy way to find out is to install the free app and see what happens.  Evernote has been translated into 30+ languages so you should be covered.

If you add your handwritten notes as JPG images I believe you do not need to be a paid member to have the handwriting searchable.  Again,  the best way to find out if Evernote works for you is to start using the app and try it out.  The help pages have more information on handwriting.

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  • Level 5

It makes sense to just try to find out. However, some functions are not available in a Basic account.

In the screenshot you find the languages currently supported, from the Evernote.com website. Hungarian is not among them. But the languages for typing are borrowed from your devices settings, so if your device is set to Hungarian, it should reproduce this. Menus will be in English, or any other of the supported languages.

With me, search finds the German special characters like ä/ö/ü/ß. So I think it will find Hungarian characters as well.

The Rocketbook app I do not know. From the description it is a scanner for special paper notebooks. You can have the OCR done by EN on its servers, then it must be send there as a JPEG. If it works with Hungarian, I do not know. Try it out. Maybe you find this article helpful:


If you do the OCR already with the app, the result will be searchable. I do this with GoodNotes 5, before I upload from my iPad as a pdf. EN itself will not OCR handwriting in a pdf document.

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