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Drag and drop to MacOS Trash should delete note



I find it annoying that expected ergonomy of moving a note (or anything removable) to MacOS Trash can does nothing for Evernote. I expect moving a note to trash deletes this note, moving notebook to trash deletes notebook, etc.

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My expection is there's no relationship between the Evernote Trash and the Mac OS Trash

Dragging a note out of Evernote creates a copy/link/export
Looking in the OS Trash, I see "Note Export.enex"

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In my case dragging Evernote note to Trash does nothing.

I would argue on your comment to Evernote trash and OS trash. As MacOS is known for its ergonomy for years anything moved to Trash is expected to be trashed. Finder deletes file and does not make link/copy/export a file to Trash. Mail deletes message, etc.

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Maybe you are expecting this, but the EN design tells something else.

A note is moved to the EN trash (which is not the trash of the Mac), and then this action is synced through the cloud and onto other devices.

The note will still be there, but in the trash, until the EN trash is willingly emptied. Then this action is synced again, and executed over devices.

IMHO this way of treating the „trashing“ action is necessary because EN is not an app designed for local use. It is designed as a cloud-based, completely synced Information carrying system. Thus it can not treat basic operations like creation, moving or trashing on one platform like this, on the next one like that.

It needs to do it in a way that is always consistent and makes sure all changes are reflected over all platforms.

This is done: I am using the one and same EN database on an Win10-PC, on a Mac, with the Web client and on several iOS devices. It works everywhere. This would not happen if each platform would impress its way of doing things on the EN client installed. Luckily I have the one and same way of doing things in EN always and on every platform (well, nearly, but this is work in progress by the new EN CEO to bring the platforms closer together).

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