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Content missing with version update!!

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All my notes missing when I updated to latest version of Evernote today - please help!

I am on a Mac running Mojave. 

Evernote prompted me to update and I just went along with it ... and didn't back up my notes beforehand :(

I saved the activity log as described in the help pages for submitting a ticket, but I can't figure out how to submit said ticket (and for privacy reasons it doesn't seem wise to post the log here).

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  • Level 5

Hi, @neuronotes, and welcome to the forums! Your notes are automatically backed up to Evernote's servers every time you do a sync; that's how it works. So first thing to do would be to try checking the Web interface to be sure your notes are still on Evernote's servers: https://www.evernote.com/client/web. But the thing to do even before you do that would be to be sure you're logging in using the same credentials (email/username and password). It's incredibly easy to misremember which email address you're using to identify yourself to Evernote, and accidentally create a new, empty account. So: being sure what the credentials should be, try logging in to the Web interface and see what's there. If it seems OK there, log out of or exit the Mac Evernote program (I don't use a Mac, so I hope I'm describing this right), and log back in using the credentials you're sure of.

As for submitting a ticket to support, I'm afraid that's reserved for Premium (paying) subscribers. There is a Twitter account available to all, but I can't comment on that (not being on Twitter either). Hope this is some help.

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  • Level 5

@neuronotes You can as well see on the Mac whether there was a second account created. With Mac and Windows, the notes are existing twice, on the local disk and in the cloud. So, a normal user (Basic or Premium) with a PC or Mac will have exactly one EN database on his device.

If you search and find the local database folder, there should be only one entry (normally a very cryptic looking folder comprised out of a string of numbers) below the Evernote folder level. 

If there are 2 of them, a second account has been created. This happens most often as completely correctly described by @Dave-in-Decatur when accidentally entering the wrong credentials. Evernote will happily take them and create the additional account.

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