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Firefox add-on - Memory Leak appeared on FF64 / macos 10.14.2


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I am a long-time "premium" subscriber and until recently a prolific user of the Firefox version of the web clipper.  I have noticed that since the release of FF64 and macos 10.14.2 that Firefox regularly gets a runaway memory leak. I found that killing the runaway process itself concurrently stopped the Evernote web clipper add-on from working in Firefox; removing the add-on from Firefox seems to stop the runaway leaks completely.  Together these suggest that the Evernote Web Clipper is the cause of the problem.

Upon doing some research here I read that Evernote is not actively supporting the Firefox Add-on (indeed the last update was 26 October 2017),

I also find it surprising that given this lack of support, nonetheless if you investigate the Web Clipper page using an incompatible version of Firefox you are nonetheless directed to the Firefox Add-on page, which contains no warning at all about the possible incompatibilities / deficiencies of the add-on.

I would think it vital as part of the stated 2019 Priorities that this issue is resolved promptly.  Priority 2 states


"We’re going to make fundamental changes to how we develop and deliver software—so that we can start to ship faster across all the devices we support, and so that all of us can experience the same Evernote, regardless of which device we use to experience it."

Clearly this is not currently the case for Firefox users.

There are vague suggestions in the dialog for the cited Firefox add-on discussion that Firefox support might be reinstated at some point in 2019.  

In light of the emergence of this memory leak would it be possible to move policy from 'vague suggestions' to 'committed' status for support for this platform?

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Hi.  The thread you reference is about the fact that the new Evernote web page is only available in Chrome,  because Firefox is unable to support the advanced functions of the new web page.  The web clipper you also mention is still alive and well in my Firefox 64 (albeit Windows).  Is your concern to do with being unable to use the new beta,  limited-function web version of Evernote,  or not being able to clip web pages to your installed Evernote Mac client?  Bear in mind the 'old' web client is currently a more feature-rich application,  and the installed client is preferable to both.

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4 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Is your concern to do with being unable to use the new beta,  limited-function web version of Evernote,  or not being able to clip web pages to your installed Evernote Mac client?

Tried to make it clear in original post.  My issue is that if I try and run the web clipper add-on within Firefox 64 on the latest version of macos after an indeterminate period it triggers a memory leak: macos has strong memory systems so really all that happens is the machine slows to a crawl until the offending process is terminated - but it is nonetheless irksome that it happens at all.  

I much prefer Firefox (and its offspring Cliqz) to webkit based browsers due to Firefox's much stronger privacy controls.  The necessary solution to all this is to have a copy of Opera open all the time so that if I need to clip something from a web page I can copy the URL to Opera and do it there.  But it is hardly ideal - and indicative of Evernote's disinterest in the Firefox browser - which has changed a lot since October 2017... pity Evernote doesn't have courage to just openly state that it doesn't support Firefox.

I hardly ever use Evernote itself through browser - agree that best results are obtained via the desktop client.

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  • Level 5*
6 hours ago, glawrie said:

pity Evernote doesn't have courage to just openly state that it doesn't support Firefox.

Hmmn.  Still a little confused.  I was using Firefox in Windows,  but gave up after I found several other browsers used about half the memory footprint to do the same thing.  (Maybe the memory leak is a Firefox issue!)  I rotated through Vivaldi and Brave,  but while they have their own attractions (and built-in page grabbers) both are still a little rough around the edges.  I'm -probably temporarily - back on Chrome. I use a VPN for security.

I did go back to Firefox briefly to get this shot - 


So unless it's just a Mac thing that Firefox is not supported - my Firefox clipper got an update 6 weeks ago,  and Evernote still seem to be supporting that.

Evernote haven't been shy of dropping support for older OS's of various types,  but I'd be surprised if they did so for a popular browser.  At the moment it just happens that they have more flexibility in Chrome and its derivatives to support the web beta.  I do use Chrome,  but (all due respect) the new web client is sub-optimal for actual daily use.

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Interesting.  The version of the add-on offered for Firefox on the mac is 6.13 and the 'last update' date is 27 October 2017.


Why I wonder is Firefox on macos being singled out like this?

In passing turns out you can't reply to messages in the Evernote Forum if you are using Firefox on macos either... so another reason to have Opera handy (in my view the least-worst Chrome spin off).

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  • Level 5*

Hah!  Story of my life.  OK - in the absence of input from any other Mac/ Firefox users,  I can only suggest that you try Evernote Support (you may have gathered that this is a mainly user-supported Forum).  You should at least be able to confirm with them what support Firefox will enjoy in 2019.  (Please come back and tell us what happens!)

Sorry not to be more contructively helpful!

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