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Android widget reminders

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I've searched and searched and I can't figure out how to make a "completed" task disappear from my widget list on my android phone. I have the widget set to display reminders with a specific tag. Once I click the completed box it puts a line through the task, but it stays in the list. I want completed tasks removed from my list. Is there a way to do this?


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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Open the main app,  look for three dots in the top right of the reminders list. UNtick "show completed reminders".  If your widget is showing notes with a specific tag however,  wouldn't you have to remove the tag?

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Thanks for the idea! I don't have that ticked though.  I'm using the widget option "reminders." Tags is a separate option to show, but my tasks do all have the same tags. Any other ideas? I've tried forcing it to sync. If I sort the widget by tag, it doesn't have the boxes to tick.

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