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2 bugs: text formatting and awkward scrolling in presentation mode


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1. When I choose for example text color=red for a word and text color=blue for the following word and then switch to presentation mode, evernote inserts a line break (enter) between the two words. This working correctly is very, very important to me. 

2. Even more important would be the following bugfix: When I enter addidional text while presenting a note on a second screen (beamer), there is a very disturbing and unnecessary scrolling taking place on the presentation-monitor with every new word/letter entered. I´d very much prefer the newly entered text to fade in, as it was the case in the version of evernote of about 2 years ago. The scrolling prevents the audience from being able to read anything when I enter new text during the presentation.
I already postet a bugfix-request concerning these two things several months (/years?) ago, but nothing changed. Right now, we are thinking about introducing evernote in our school with about 150 teachers, 1500 pupils and 300+ computers. These two issues would be crucial points to our decision. Also, I eventually will be a distributor for using software-tools in the classroom for more schools in whole Bavaria. I´d like very much to spread the use evernote for up-to-date language-teaching, if these two bugs would be fixed.
Best Regards,

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