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Presentation Mode

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In Presentation Mode I can move forward or backwards with (ctrl + arrow) if I have selectet several notes. But when I use a link (from one note to another one) it doesn't work anymore. In my and all other collegues opinion (pilot project: PH Zürich, Switzerland - "using Evernote for teaching") this is essential - otherwise the presentation mode doesn't make sense to use at university, high school or any other class. With a Table of content you could have like an order of events and switch easly to your next note. A simply arrow back to the previous note would open a whole new level of opportunities - I hope there is an update soon on this matter? Otherwise we have to consider another provider sadly.

We are looking forward to your answers.


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  • Level 5*

Hi.  You're posting in a user forum,  where Evernote employees occasionally intervene,  but it's not guaranteed.  If you're looking for direct responses please contact support.

I just set up a quick test of the presentation function on my Windows laptop with two notes and a ToC note going to those two notes.  If I use Presentation on the three notes I can easily jump from the ToC note to the other notes,  but Ctrl+arrow doesn't seem to work for me for scrolling between notes.  I had to add a link to jump back to the ToC note to make things navigable.

I had to restart Evernote to get presentation to work at all,  so maybe a further restart will give me the Ctrl+ functionality back again.  I believe others have it working too...

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Thank your for your answer. But don't you think as well this would be a nice tool to switch forward and backwards without creating links all over the notes? ToC is also a great tool for presentation but every time creating new links just to go back to the ToC doesn't seem the right way for me...

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  • Level 5*

It is possible to work from a ToC note,  and to add links to all listed pages to jump back to the ToC and/ or on to the next note in the series.  But I agree.  This makes presentation a labour-intensive process that requires planning and testing before use,  not the quick and easy sharing of ideas that it's meant to be.

I thought your problem was that you could jump around with Ctrl+arrow,  but that links didn't work for you.  I'm saying that I have the reverse issue - I can jump to links,  but can't scroll.  I'd suggest you restart your system.  If that doesn't work and links are important to you,  you may want to try uninstalling and reinstalling Evernote to see if that fixes the issue.  If there's still no improvement then I'd definitely recommend contacting support.

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