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Native Markdown support

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Is there any chance of Evernote having native Markdown support? I'm willing to upgrade to the premium service to get this feature.


In the forums I've found several markdown apps that sync with Evernote. That is how I've been handling the problem. But I spend about 40% of my time on the mobile version of Evernote. Most of the external editors don't work on my mobile devices (except maybe Byword?).


This also means I can't share work notes with Evernote. The formatting is important, and the current Evernote editor has really bad formatting issues (The first page of the forum is filled with issues I've experienced). From copying and pasting from other sources incorrectly, having to copy/paste from my own note to keep the format constant, to having the format not show up in the top toolbar.


These are all issues that can be solved with Markdown. So I'm wondering if Evernote has any plans on adding this feature, and if so, when it might happen.

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  • Level 5*

Evernote doesn't typically divulge their feature roadmaps, but I'd guess that due to the round-tripping problem, they're not going to be offering it any time soon.


Markdown is not going to solve every problem that Evernote's editors have, since the editors need to handle things that are not expressible in Markdown (this is the round-tripping problem).

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Set up your own keyboard shortcuts to streamline the process in a text expander like PhraseExpress... And/ or try out Gingko. Gingko is a tree-based word processor that lets you write in cards.. And flip between view and edit mode, either in tree view or full-screen mode for individual cards. It's set up for markdown formatting... Plus you can export to Word, HTML, etc. One cool thing I figure out is that you can export to HTML in a new browser tab and then use the Evernote Web clipper to clip to your account if you want.

Personally I use WorkFlowy to do my writing and I copy it to Gingko for a better viewing of chapters including the pulling in of inline images through markdown formatted links. From there I export to Word for automated import into InDesign.

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  • 3 months later...


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