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(Archived) exact phrase search

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Hi - I did search the forums before posting so excuse me if this appears elsewhere...

I would find it very useful if Evernote allowed 'exact phrase' searches. So search results for 'the dog jumped over the cat' would only return files that contained that exact sequence of characters. For some of my searches I can potentially be faced with hundreds of unwanted files otherwise.

Thank you.

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thanks - I'd tried that as a search within a document and it didn't work, so I assumed it wouldn't as a general search either, but it does. It would be handy for it to work within the document too.

Thanks again

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It would be handy for it to work within the document too.

Thanks again

I agree. I think Evernote sometimes sees indexable 'stuff' in the spaces of images so it doesn't get that "the" and "dog" are next to each other. Try searching "the dog jumped","dog jumped over" or "jumped over the" etc.

I've found that "less is more" when searching for sentences in images.

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I think that quoted phrase search will very rarely work in images ... our image processing system really just treats each word separately, with multiple possible candidates for each word, and this would usually prevent you from finding a sequence of words in the image as a single quoted phrase.

Searching for the words without quotation marks works, of course, but this doesn't constrain the order into an ordered phrase.

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