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  1. AdmiralP's post in Automatic Note Titling ? was marked as the answer   
    Well EN version 10.42 delivered a nice surprise this evening.
    having typed in to the body of the note. you can just click in the Tile area of the note an the first line of text from the note body is inserted into the Title field.
    Nice job Evernote!
    Thanks for listening to your users. 
  2. AdmiralP's post in Removing search highlights was marked as the answer   
    Not certain what the issue is here? 
    Entering a word in the Search field brings up a list of notes which contain the searched for text if the word is in the title it's highlighted in the note list and in the nite pabe will be highlighted within the text body as well. The highlights reman (I think)  until a new search is made or a particular notebook is selected from the notebook list. If you have a highlighted note in the search results list, double-clicking it in the list opens it in a new window without the highlights...
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