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Posts posted by lotsa_notes

  1. @Dave-in-Decatur thank you very much for your contributions in this thread to help explain what's going on and to add some levity and context. I updated Evernote desktop a few days ago and immediately noticed the slow note loading, which made me panic because the first item I clicked on was for a financial record.  The release notes were completely unhelpful. It would definitely have helped to add a line that said something about "expect slower note loading times on first view."

    Speaking of slower note loading times, I wanted to share this gem.

    The post you shared had a slow loading problem itself. Screenshot attached. Makes me wonder if the forum system is also using RTE. 🤣



    • Haha 1
  2. Clarification on the scenarios after more testing. Scenarios 1 and 2 (minimize the Evernote window, or close the Evernote window) with Evernote version 10.41.5 allow the screenshot feature to work properly when you're using multiple desktops on Monterey. I'm using the direct download version, not the App Store version.


    Scenario 1:

    • Minimize the Evernote window (cmd-h)
    • Click the Evernote Helper icon in the system tray
    • Click screenshot

    Observed behavior:

    • The Evernote window stays minimized, , does not jump to the top of the desktop. Allows the screenshot to be taken without interference.


    Scenario 2:

    • Close Minimize the Evernote window (cmd-w)
    • Click the Evernote Helper icon in the system tray
    • Click screenshot

    Observed behavior:

    • The Evernote window stays closed, does not jump to the top of the desktop. Allows the screenshot to be taken without interference..


    Scenario 3:

    • Evernote window is open on your desktop.
    • Bring another window into focus / on top of the Evernote window.
    • Click the Evernote Helper icon in the system tray
    • Click screenshot

    Observed behavior:

    • The Evernote window pops up to the top of the desktop, interfering with screenshots.


    Scenario 4:

    • Hide the Evernote window (cmd-h)
    • Click the Evernote Helper icon in the system tray
    • Click screenshot

    Observed behavior:

    • The Evernote window pops up to the top of the desktop, interfering with screenshots.  <-- corrected


  3. For anyone else plagued by this issue, I contacted support, who recommended updating to 10.41.

    I'm currently running 10.41.5 (3540) and there's an improvement!

    Scenario 1:

    • Hide the Evernote window (cmd-h)
    • Click the Evernote Helper icon in the system tray
    • Click screenshot

    Observed behavior:

    • The Evernote window stays hidden, does not jump to the top of the desktop. Allows the screenshot to be taken without interference.


    Scenario 2:

    • Minimize the Evernote window (cmd-h)
    • Click the Evernote Helper icon in the system tray
    • Click screenshot

    Observed behavior:

    • The Evernote window stays minimized, , does not jump to the top of the desktop. Allows the screenshot to be taken without interference..


    Scenario 3:

    • Evernote window is open on your desktop.
    • Bring another window into focus / on top of the Evernote window.
    • Click the Evernote Helper icon in the system tray
    • Click screenshot

    Observed behavior:

    • The Evernote window jumps to the top, potentially blocking the view you are trying to screenshot.


    The update is worth installing.


  4. Hello,

    I've encountered a particular set of circumstances that makes Evernote screenshots via Evernote Helper frustratingly difficult to use and wanted to see if anyone's experienced the same.


    • OS: Monterey 12.4
    • Evernote: 10.40.9 (3493)
    • Multiple desktops enabled in MacOS.

    User steps:

    1. Press cmd-ctrl-N
    2. Select screenshot selection

    Expected behavior:

    • I should be able to select a portion of the desktop to create a screenshot.

    Observed behavior:

    • The Evernote window jumps to the top of the desktop, essentially photobombing the screenshot.


    • I have to drag the Evernote window all the way off to the side of the screen, so that when it photo-bombs my screenshot, the window is barely visible.


    It's comical except for the fact it renders a simple, vital, amazing feature basically unusable.

    I've experimented a bit and have discovered this seems to have to do with the options controlling how the app works on multiple desktops. This is set in the Dock, by right-clicking on the app icon as shown in the screenshot below.



    By default, apps are assigned to "None." If I assign Evernote to "None" or "All Desktops,"  then Evernote Helper exhibits this photo-bombing effect, no matter which virtual desktop I'm on.

    If I assign Evernote to a specific desktop using the "This Desktop" selection, and then move over to another desktop to take the screenshot, the photo-bombing effect does not happen.

    The issue seems to be specific to the desktop assignment. When Evernote is assigned to "None" or All Desktops," I've tried minimizing the Evernote window, and flat-out hiding it. However, when I try to take a screenshot, Evernote photo-bombs my desktop. 

    One could say, "just move Evernote out of the way when you take a screenshot." Yes, this works. I keep my Evernote window fairly large, so moving it out of the way is irksome. I'd rather just cmd-tab to bring the window I need into focus, and then take a screenshot without Evernote having to jump to the top of the desktop.

    Instead of using the Evernote Helper to take screenshot selections, I now just use MacOS built-in screenshot command (cmd-shift-4) and drag the image into my notes, as it's faster than fiddling around with Evernote windows.


    Has anyone else encountered this and are there any better workarounds? I seem to recall the old version of Evernote Helper could save the screenshot in memory, so that you could just paste it into your note.





  5. Has anyone encountered a note version conflict? That is to say, you're working on a note, and suddenly at the top of the screen, Evernote alerts you that it's found another version of the note you're working on?

    At a fundamental level, I get it - working on "cloud documents," if you've made an edit in a file from one device, and also edit it from another, and you've got two edits of the doc and neither is committed, then you have to figure out what version to keep.

    My question is: is there any way that Evernote can tell you what the differences are between the notes?

    For me, all I could figure out was to bring up both copies of notes side-by-side, and do a visual comparison.

    Unfortunately, this file happened to be a long running log of notes, so it was a lot of visual comparisons.


    Is there a better way to do this? Thanks in advance.


    • Like 3
  6. On 6/9/2021 at 3:37 PM, PinkElephant said:

    The good old days were not so good after all, and they are gone - for good or bad.

    Think of EN as a browser (hidden) which has an app running inside of it (EN client). Probably the behavior has to do with the setup. If I am not mistaken you can't by default have Safari running at the same time on two desktops. At least I can't, when I try to open Safari on a new desktop it takes me to the old desktop instead.

    Same with EN.


    For Safari, you can have it running on multiple desktops/spaces.

    There are some similarities between Safari and the Evernote situation I'm describing, but there is a workaround.

    For Safari: if you have Safari open in Desktop 1, and then move to Desktop 2 and click the Safari icon in the dock, you will be taken back to Desktop 1.

    Workaround: Move to Desktop 2, alt-tab to select Safari, and then hit command-N, which will open a new browser window in desktop 2.


    That's the solution required for Evernote.

    The maddening thing about the new Evernote is that there is no option to "Create New Evernote Window." We are limited to having one Evernote window open at any given time, which is mind-bogglingly frustrating.




    • macOS Big Sur (11.2.1) with multiple desktops (or Spaces, visible via Mission Control).
    • Evernote 10.14.7 (but really any recent version of Evernote).


    • Evernote was open on Desktop 1.
    • I close the Evernote window.
    • I move over to Desktop 2.
    • Using the Evernote icon in the menu bar, I click the icon with the arrow pointing to the top-right, "Open Evernote."


    What I expect:

    • Evernote window should open in Desktop 2. Or, whatever desktop I am currently viewing at the moment I click "Open Evernote."


    What actually happens:

    • MacOS switches over to Desktop 1, and opens Evernote.


    Is there a setting to have Evernote open a window in the Desktop/Space you're actually viewing, instead of opening Evernote in the last space where it remembers being used?  For that matter, will it be possible to have more than one Evernote window open at a time, like in the old days?


    Thank you



  8. Evernote Team,
    I just upgraded to Evernote 10.3.6 on Mac and as a paying customer, I find it extraordinarily disappointing.

    The app loads, the notes load, everything seems functional. However, this version seems more like a beta than a release version. The following features missing in 10.3.6 really impede my usage of the app:

    • command-J for jumping
    • cmd-ctrl-N to open a new Evernote window: I often keep Evernote closed until I need it, then I use this shortcut to open a window. If I do this in 10.3.6, it seems there is no way to open an Evernote window short of quitting and restarting the app.
    • command-ctrl-F for search. Searching should be a core feature and should only require a two-letter shortcut command.

    I was at least able to find the following support article which shows the status of keyboard shortcuts: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313358

    Please restore / correct these features, thanks for reading.

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