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Everything posted by belgiumbart

  1. Thanks @Mike P for pointing this out (again). You are correct. I had a 'saved search' with a certain tag in my Shortcuts. ALL notes within that 'saved search' (with that tag) had issues with external and internal links. Notes NOT in a 'saved search' didn't have any problem. (PS: initially -on posting this issue- that was also a problem, but that one has been resolved) I then removed the 'saved search' and internal and external links work fine again.
  2. ran the update 10.92.3-mac-ddl-public (20240612161827) Editor: v178.12.0 Service: v1.113.6 and both internal and external note-links are broken again there's no random links you end up with, you always get redirected to the homepage this occurs when clicking on a link in a TOC or when clicking on a note link outside of the one you're in
  3. Thanks @gazumped That works, but i also have to manually correct backlinks and kind of cumbersome to do that for every other note with errors. Also really stretching my patience given other bugs. But it helps, so thank you for the tip 😀
  4. Today i discovered the thumbnail image of one of my notes isn't even in that note. Haven't checked but I'm guessing the thumbnail shown is related to one of the linked notes. This makes it very confusing
  5. Thank you both for your advice, much appreciated. i'll just wait for a bug fix for this issue. The randomness of "note link roulette / note links are like a box of chocolates" is identical in desktop and web version (tried 3 different browsers) Back to manual searching and copy-pasting in the meantime
  6. thanks @gazumped just noticed i posted this in the wrong group (as i'm indeed not a teams - user) Is 'clean install' really the solution? if 'yes' i 'll proceed doing so
  7. The system is broken. Results when clicking on a Note Link (inside the note, for instance in a table of content + link to other note): * homepage is shown (most of the time) * link to random note * seldom i'm directed to the correct note This occurs in mac version as browser version 10.89.2-mac-ddl-public (20240523113635) Editor: v178.2.0 Service: v1.107.2
  8. Voted up ^ Evernote AI reads the text or interprets the image (or both) => tags are then auto-selected based on AI-analysis. I'm not a programmer but workflow-wise the Clipper would be ideal place to implement this
  9. I'm OK with the current functionality where you can insert links to other notes via "/" (or via control option command C). Not ideal, but it works, I'm OK with it Less ideal is that links/backlinks aren't updated when their titles have been changed (after the initial linking)
  10. I love the possibility to add a Table of Content. Is there any way to auto-refresh it? Seems there's no other way than to remove and re-add it after updating a note. Am i missing something?
  11. For me one of the top features on my wishlist. I have a lot of notes where not a single image is (auto-)selected as thumbnail, others where thumbnails are selected that are not relevant. Having the choice to set the thumbnail would make navigation and search much faster
  12. Hopeful that someday Markdown will be applied in Evernote. If it would do so, i hope this will be keyboard friendly like in Bear (CMD 1,2,3,4 ... to format headers) Will make note taking and drafting (and copy pasting) much more efficient and FAST
  13. one more thing had to delete (in Evernote) the 1 note that (allegedly?) blocked the importing/syncing it was the one at the bottom of the sync list (chronologically the 'oldest' one) all the notes in the queue kept idling until i removed that one (in my case a newsletter), then everything really synced immediately
  14. Ow yes! Upgraded to 10.12 and the entire queue is being imported, every single note. Didn't lose a thing. Thank you for solving this
  15. Hi, is there any update on this issue? will it be resolved? is it an issue that can’t be resolved? Either way an answer would be welcome, so I can or delete the queue by reinstalling (and lose clips) or wait for a solution/update thank you for letting me know
  16. Tablet iOS Version 10.7.1 Had a couple of files idling on 'importing' a month or 2 ago and just kept it that way as there was no solution to fix this. I didn't use that tablet anymore and only added clips/notes via my laptop (that does not have this issue). I just waited for a solution in an updated Evernote version. This week I forgot about it and added clips via the iOS tablet device. Noticed newly added clips just pile up (or queue up) behind the file that is "stuck" in the importing process. Now I have 19 clips stuck in that "idling" importation state and no way to access those clips (or remove the clip that is causing this). Don't want to lose those and hope there's a fix soon
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