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Posts posted by idoc

  1. This type of thing has happened to me before.  Currently I wait until there are a couple of hundred notes in my Trash before I empty it.  There really is nothing to be gained by compulsively emptying the trash and there are a lot of errors that could be avoided by not doing that.  Once you delete the trash there is no way to restore the note.

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  2. I have been using EN since their inception (or close to it) and I use it on a daily basis and several times a day.  I am under 10,000 notes.  I can't even imagine how somebody could get over 100,000.  I've always found the upper limit to be quite generous.  Of course, if I used the web clipper like crazy and generated thousands of notes here and there, then maybe that could do it.  Or if I tried to scan in an entire library or depository of information and did it note by note?  Or if I shared my account with other people?  Or if I tried to use EN as an online storage for photos, documents etc rather than Gdrive?  I realize that these are just random speculations but my point is that it is highly unlikely that "normal" use of EN could ever reach this limit.   Again, I could be wrong and this individual's usage may be entirely within "normal limits" for his particular situation but  99.99% of users would not reach it.  

    P.S: So as not to appear unhelpful: I strongly recommend that you figure out ways to move stuff to Gdrive.  I have entire libraries of pdf's, photos, documents that I've moved out of EN and into Gdrive.  If you want to keep your notes more searchable then figure out which of your notes are archivable (ie: those that you will rarely if ever search for) and put them into a separate EN account.

    -Try to figure out ways to combine certain non-essential notes.  For example,  I have thousands of faxes from Hellofax that come across as single notes into Evernote.  Every few months I use Adobe Acrobat to combine all of these into one note.  Essentially, I now have 10,000 faxes in one pdf in one note.  Every year or so I move that into Gdrive.  I give this purely as an example.

    -If you have dozens or hundreds of pdf files that represent statements, billing, invoices etc consider using a program like Acrobat to combine them into larger files eg: monthly, annually etc.  For example, 12 pdf's from each vendor at the end of the  year are combined into 1 pdf.  This is then merged with the last 10 years of statements.  Therefore, I have one note with one pdf rather than 120 notes for each vendor.  If I do this for my approximately 60 vendors I have 7200 fewer notes from this alone. 

    - If you are moving thousands of emails, calendar entries, faxes or statements into EN there are good third party services that can be used to move that data in a more effective format into EN eg: Hellofax, Filethis and others.  That data is usually in pdfs that can be aggregated, stored online etc.  

    -whenever I have time to kill I do a reverse sort on my notes and delete those that no longer have relevance.  I find that keeping my EN as lean as possible gives me better search results and makes it more manageable.

    Again, people should not come to this forum to vent their frustration.  We are an online community of users (NOT EN staff) who are here to help other users.  Some of us (and you know who you are) dedicate an enormous amount of their time and effort to selflessly help thousands of other users.  Perhaps the forum should have a disclaimer of this type emblazoned in a giant sticky at the very top.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, Neil Maxfield said:

    Hey :)

    You can also bulk select from the notes view with CTRL click and then select trash for all selected notes (up to 50)

    Yes, in fact there seems to be two ways of doing it ie: you can bulk select and then drag them to trash or  you can bulk select and click on the little trash icon that appears in the blue bar that pops up.  But this is the first time I realized that you don't have to bulk select but can drag it individually to Trash.  Kind of strange that simply hitting a delete button doesn't work (although it does in other versions of EN).

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  4. As an update: I contacted EN again today about this issue.  The tech support chat confirmed that this issue has been fixed.  I downloaded the version that she suggested and it is working well without the javascript error.


    To help resolve the issue, kindly download this latest Evernote version on you device: https://cdn1.evernote.com/boron/win/builds/Evernote-10.46.7-win-ddl-ga-3701-b2719bc136-setup.exe  

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  5. Many people love the Tasks feature, it's certainly worth your while to explore.  Personally, for me, it's a game changer.  Calendar right now is clunky but there is widespread expectation it will get better in the future.  Anyway, neither of these is "forced on" you.  The "Tasks" option is a tiny button in the side window and is barely noticeable.  If you use the "Home" feature then the tasks and calendar widgets can be quite instrusive (especially if you don't use them).  You can simply eliminate those widgets as needed.

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  6. It's strange but in every other rendition of EN it's quite easy to delete a note ie: using quick keys or simply hitting "delete".  In EN web you have to go for the three dots, look down the list and select "move to trash".  Not a big deal but sometimes when you're doing it for 20+ notes it becomes a headache.  Am I missing some secret, unlisted other way of doing this?  Is there a reason why simply using "delete" doesn't work?

  7. On 10/3/2022 at 8:21 AM, Boot17 said:

    @_bws Can you expound on this more? As far as I know, the old version didn't have a dark scheme, but the new v10 version does have a light and dark theme that works very well:


    Also, if you have vision issues, perhaps consider making everything bigger, and not just the font.

    On Desktop and Web at 125 percent zoom:


    I have a windows desktop and Dark Theme works very well on Evernote.  So, not sure what the problem is. 

  8. On 8/15/2022 at 12:04 PM, CalS said:

    Yeah, my recent forays with the web client have been much better.  I think I could pound some of the inefficiencies into submission with AutoHotKey.  But the lack of local notebooks and the annoying browser lag are still issues.  🤷‍♂️

    CalS could you elaborate on this?  What kind of inefficiencies can you eliminate with AutoHotKey?  My understanding is that this is a scripting language for windows.  

  9. On 9/30/2022 at 9:47 AM, gazumped said:

    If you have access to your account on desktop there are a few more tricks available - look at the Side List view,  and right click the 'Title...' menu bar.  There's a drop-down list of options you might enjoy...


    This was an incredibly useful tip.  I used this to find all of my large notes and then simply moved them into Gdrive in various ways.  I literally took gigs of useless data out of Evernote and archived it elsewhere.  It also alerted me to all sorts of sloppy ways of saving pdf files which result in unneccessarily huge files instead of using Acrobat to condense them 10X.  For example, dozens of travel related documents that were over 100 MB each which were easily condensed down to 5MB.

    • Like 1
  10. I posted on this before but the problem persists.  I am looking at my EN inbox on my iphone and can see screenshots and other notes that should not be there because they have already been moved into other notebooks days ago.  So I run a sync and it clearly says "sync complete" but nothing changes in my inbox.  I literally have to close down the app on the iphone and then restart it to finally see an inbox that is identical to my other desktop devices.  This is tripping me up throughout the day when I'm mobile and relying on my EN on the iphone.  The thing that I find most confusing is that even with a "sync complete" I am still looking at data that is several days old.

  11. If I am understanding your question you are referring to different ways in which EN handles scanning on the iphone app.  If you are scanning a document or a Kindle screen you will see an option at the bottom that says "scanning" or "photo".  If you pick the photo option you can just take a normal photo when you are ready.  If pick the scanning option, the camera will scan until it sees what it thinks is the document and it will lock in and take the scan.  This usually gives a nicer image than "photo" but sometimes it can be annoying as it confuses itself about the borders etc.

  12. On 9/5/2022 at 12:35 AM, Mike P said:

    Not it hasn't. There is though a very simple work around. Select the notes and export as a single page html


    You will then get a folder containing all the attachments (including images).

    Yes, I've been doing this for a while and it has solved the problem.  I used to have a folder that accumulated hundreds of pdf files and it was not practical to deal with them 50 files at a time.  After I started doing the html exports it became very easy.  I export them all to a folder on my hard drive and can then do anything I want with the files.  This does the same thing for my purposes as "save attachments" used to do.

  13. I use text expanders quite frequently.  On my windows desktop I use a program called "activewords" which does text expansion, scripting etc.  It works quite well even in conjunction with Evernote.  For example, if I don't want to type "intitle:XXX tag:XXX -tag:AH notebook:home" then I can simply use a secret key and that entire string will appear in the search bar.  I can then swap out the XXX's for whatever I'm searching for.  I use this in a hundred ways.  In iphone I use the text expander that comes with the keyboard and this works in nearly every app in iphone except for the search bar on EN.  It even works within notes in Evernote but not in the searchbar.  Does anyone know of a way around this?

  14. I use EN v10 on iphone and ipad and I like the general layout, tasks, reminders etc.  Due to recent limitations on using it on win7 computers I am trying to get used to using EN web o those devices.  Overall I'm happy with most of its features and am finding it very similar to EN on my other devices.  There is, however, a huge difference in manipulating files on EN web.  For example, I can drag a pdf file from my desktop into an EN web note, but I can't figure out how to delete that same file once it's in that note.  Also, when you double click on a pdf in EN web it does not open.  Instead it asks you to save it somewhere and after you do that it can open.  There seem to be other limitations when it comes to files but I'm still experimenting.  Also, it seems as if it's not possible to open a note into a separate page of it's own.  This is a very helpful feature of legacy and v10 and I used it all the time.  However, with the web version I can simply open another tab and it's kind of similar.   So gradually I'm finding workarounds to make EN web more usable but I still need to do any major file manipulations on Legacy.  For users on this forum who complain about v10 it may be useful to use EN web for a while to get a much better feel for v10.

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  15. I think that you can do this pretty easily if you are using EN web.  You can take anything eg: a notebook, a note etc and make it into a browser tab.  You can even permanently pin it to your browser address bar.  I am not a mac user and therefore never even knew about this "tab" feature that you mention.  However, I agree that it is a useful feature and I have used it with EN web.

  16. On 9/10/2022 at 11:16 PM, nonobio said:


    Same problem for me, Evernote 10 doesn't work anymore since the last 10.44.8 update on my Windows 7 PC.

    I reinstalled the prior version waiting I install, one day, Windows 10...

    The prior version : Evernote 10.43.7 Windows (18 august 2022) : https://filehippo.com/fr/download_evernote/10.43.7/

    Yes, I did the same.  Reinstalled the prior version of ENv10 from one of those sites (similar to filehippo) and now it works as it did.  I also find that I can use the web version and it works quite well.  I too am in the position of not being able to update win 7 at this time for various reasons.  I opened up a ticket with EN and they confirmed that this is a "known issue" and they are working to fix it.  However, I do not know how to check when and if they fix it.  Maybe if one of us discovers this they could post on this forum.  PinkElephant posted somewhere that since this is a java script issue it may not be that difficult for the company to fix it;  we can only hope.

  17. So if i have a task that says “make appt for dentist” that’s pretty easy. Let’s say a week later I receive a pdf image eg: molar xray that i want to show the dentist on my upcoming visit. I can not quickly attach that file to the appt. Had i created a note that was titled “appt with dentist” i could have attached that pdf into the note. When this happens (and it has happened several times as my tasks increase into projects) i need to re-do the entire task as a note. The last time i did that i erased the noteless task, replaced it with a note/inserted task, appended the files and then duly inserted the WRONG due date by mistake. No more noteless tasks for me unless it’s something like “take out garbage”(i don’t do that anyway). 

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