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Everything posted by fredhammersmith

  1. So... if you replace the Trash tag by Archive, at least mentally, you get the Archive solution a lot of people are hoping for? Seems too good to be true.
  2. This is exactly why it is interesting, from my point-of-view. And they can be restored to be fully featured again. Do they lose their tags and other meta-data?
  3. Did not think about it! Yes, it seems to share a lot with the EN trash.
  4. I have a little workaround for this same problem I used to have. Just like you, I have a stack named Archive. Now, let's say U have this Project Stack, called PROJECT X with notebooks inside this stack, named "X - BUDGET", "X - CALENDAR", "X - CREW", etc. When the project is over, I take all the notes inside "X-BUDGET", and I tagged them "X - Budget" all the notes inside "X-CALENDAR", and I tagged them "X-Calendar", etc. Then I move a all the notes (properly tagged) from all the notebooks inside the "PROJECT X" stack in a new Notebook called "PROJECT X (arch)." And I move this notebook ("PROJECT X (arch).") in the ARCHIVE stack. May looks complicated, but actually, it takes me about 15 minutes to close a project of 2000-3000 notes and archive it this way. This way it is very easy eventually to "recreate" the old hierarchy of notebooks. Or to access the notes according to their previous notebook .
  5. You know, this is still happening. It just did. Adding a PDF file to a note. The note preview shows it. But the note itself: nothing.
  6. And it just happened again. While joining a file to a note: the app quit. Upon returning: the preview of the PDF file appears in the Note list but in the main window: nothing, although the status bar indicates it should be there. .
  7. The two things I really would love to see in Evernote: archive switch favorite switch Yes I am using tags for both. But at almost 22K notes, the lack of a real archiving functionality is really showing.
  8. Add me to the people who would love an ARCHIVE feature. In the meantime, I guess the tag thing is the best workaround. But it is just that: a workaround.
  9. Back to an old problem. Created a note from a PDF. I can "see" the thumnail of th PDF in tje note list. The status state says: 1 PDF attachment, 5,4 Mb But the note itself: empty I tried to simplify the format. Nothing changed. I went to the web client. Can't see the attchment.
  10. yes, tried, did not work, and the note size changed, reflecting the disappearance of the attachment.
  11. Once a PDF was erased from my Windows client, it was erased on the web client as well.
  12. So I am reporting back, because I've learned something that may be useful to others. Tech support did not tell me anything specifics, but suggested me a couple of things I might be willing to try. They are what I would call hidden features, and I am not sure why they are hidden. If you press CTRL and go to the Help menu, you will find plenty of items in terms of database management. As my database (15 000 notes) was getting very slow at times, I was about to ask for help in this exact matter. So here you go. As far as disappearing PDF files, I'll see if the problem happens again after some database management and report back if this is the case.
  13. Strange and scary bug... It has happened to me many times lately, while I am cleaning my financial records, using Evernote as an electronic file cabinet. I scan all kinds of financial records, put them inside notes. Well lately, some attachments seems to disappear suddenly. I can see them in the preview pane, but they disappear when I open the notes. In the status bar, I can still see the reference to the attachment (for instance: PDF:1 Size: 462 KB). But they just don't appear anymore. And if I do something like "Simplifier le formattage", hoping to make the display more easy for the program, the attachment won't come back, and suddenly the status bar won't show it anymore. It happens often when I copy the URL of the note in another note... but it is not the only time it happens. Any idea?
  14. Actually, in my case, yes it would work. I work in cinema. Sometimes as a unit manager (location scout).Right now, I create one stack of notes by PROJECT and one notebook per potential location, + one notebook for contracts, one for maps, one for contacts, etc But i could blend everything in one notebook and use the tags. Even better, since we can make a search with two tags. If my colleague can share my tags, she can filter the notes tagged budgets, or the notes tagged contracts, or the notes tagged FACTORY and BUDGET. I can see it can work quite well.
  15. Quite interesting. I would suggest not to lose sight of the reason one wants to group notebooks into stacks. In my case, it would definitvely be: by project. And if i group notebooks into stacks that i want to share, i certainly hope that the sharing options of the different notebooks are inhereted, by default, from the stack. With the possibility to make exceptions.
  16. Well, i do not know how things are in USA, which I guess is Evernote biggest market. But here in Quebec, the people who would use Evernote and pay for it (and iPhone, and iPad, and numerous other small and intelligent devices/programs) are, i think, freelancers and very small enterprises, people that must find mobile, collaborative, small-scale, affordable and secure tools to share info amongst multiple devices (intelligent phone, laptop, desktop, tablets), and, yes, any feature in terms of collaboration is important. They are very difficult to find. There seems to be a big gap between apps filling big business needs and freelancers like me, who work on short-term contracts with one or two partners. Big-scale needs will probably be covered by apps like OneNote, paid by employers (OneNote which i use for a while and found fantastic, feature-wise, incredibly bad at synching properly, and incredibly time-consuming). And the people who do not need to share will be, for the most part, happy with Evernote free app, which is great. The deciding factor, for me, to go from free Evernote to paid Evernote, was the collaborative features. Amount of data ranked second. I would even pay more for more robust collaborative features than i would for amount of data, which Google offers for next to nothing.
  17. Sorry, my mistake comes from the way tags appear on the shared notebooks on the iPhone of my colleague. What i found out is that i cannot use the tags from the shared notebook as a way to filter notes. Not sure why. I'll let the pros explain if there is an explanation.
  18. Sorry for my poor choice of words. Replace Export by Share. When you share a notebook, the tags don't follow along.
  19. If tags can't be exported with notes, then it seems very important that Stack of Notes can be exported, as far as useful sharing goes. Exporting tags can be a useful workaround.
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