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Everything posted by avb623

  1. What program are you using now instead after your exit in 2021?
  2. Still not working for me. It tries to open but never gets past the jumping toys before closing.
  3. Evernote desktop won't load. I have uninstall and reinstall every day, sometimes the toys jump around on the intro and then black screen and then program disappears. I loved Evernote I have been using it for over 10 years but the older it gets the more laggy and slow it is, and the more notes and attachments seem to go missing. Evernote just raised my price and now the program does not work on the desktop. I feel like Evernote is really just an online app now and the "desktop version" is just a skin for the website. Random note pictures and attachments are just missing now and I can't access them from the phone, then I need to remember what note it was so I can check it on the desktop later but oh yeah desktop doesn't load anymore. The search functionality is so slow. Filter or search by tag never refreshes so I get old results even though the notes in the search results don't have the tags on them. This happens across all my devices, phone, tablets, and both laptops, when the desktop program worked.
  4. I'm sad that the last updated date or the creation date is missing from the attachments. I used to be able to put multiple iterations of a file in a note and tell which one was last edited or used but the dates are missing. Not is just a list of file names and no other information.
  5. The import feature was EXTREMELY USEFULL can you please make this a TOP PRIORITY . . . PLEASE! I was still using the folder and just today realized nothing was getting added to Evernote. When the feature gets reinstated will I have a million duplicate notes from the existing import folder? I'm not sure why I was forced to update only to then force a downgrade. If the program was not ready for general use why not leave it in Beta?
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