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Matt Hartzell

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Everything posted by Matt Hartzell

  1. I did use strong wording right away - ABOUT A SOFTWARE PRODUCT. YOUR response was to immediately insult me, as a PERSON: So please kindly do not lecture me about manners. I insulted NO ONE in my original posts, but expressed frustration about a PRODUCT. Those are two very different things.
  2. Oh no's, looks like I've angered the Evernote zealots! Do you guys even work for Evernote? If not, I'll kindly post WHAT I want WHERE I want to, since I am a paying customer. You know when a product is REALLY good? When you have randoms posting tens of thousands of messages on product forums constantly arguing with users about why their complaints are invalid. Incredible gaslighting going on here. Sweet public defender gig, hope you're getting some royalties! And the fact that this application cannot inline an image in 2022 is insanely ridiculous. It's also ridiculous that an image seemingly requires a new line:
  3. This is absurd. Inline images have been part of the HTML spec for DECADES. A table workaround doesn't even suffice, because it appears images REQUIRE a newline below the image. Hello, what? Time for my once-per-year internet search, to see if there's a better Evernote competitor out there, that I can give my money to! So sick of running into issues with basic features, with this product.
  4. I am once again amazed at how many basic features are missing from Evernote. Why am I still paying for this service? Is there a better alternative, one in which I can inline an image? I guess I can wrap my text inside Evernote's overly-bloated tables. So tired of running into issues like this with this product.
  5. Chiming in here, as I had this problem and nothing in this thread was helpful. Evernote was "somewhere" off screen. I could see it via the task bar, Alt-Tab, and the Task View, but nothing would bring it onto my monitors. Win+Arrows did not help. Killing the app and reopening it did not help. Disconnecting all my extra monitors did not help. Flipping Window Snap settings did not help. The only way I was able to get the app to come back was to use Win+ArrowRight to snap a DIFFERENT app on my main monitor. When Windows presented the UI to select a 2nd window to snap left, I chose Evernote and it finally came back. Wonder of wonders, now that I've found the black magic required to get it to behave correctly, it seems to respect the Win+Arrow keys again. Anecdotally, I know the Evernote team has been on this journey to rearchitect their code base over the last couple years and all that, but man, this application still has odd and frustrating behavior like this that NO OTHER APPLICATION on my machine exhibits. It's fishy, and smells to me like the application is not conforming to some Windows development standards that virtually all other applications conform to. For a tool that is centered on productivity, it is sometimes very unproductive to use. Instead of adding a quick recipe like I intended, I instead had to spend my time trolling forums and trying to get it to simply be useable. This is a very poor user experience.
  6. Still broke. Sweeeeeet. The workaround I have found (aside from having to give up and use the web application), is to manually search for a note that you know is in the notebook that will not load, and then open the note. For me, this seems to allow me to access that notebook. However...this causes other notebooks that may have been working, to no longer work. So you can constantly search for notes to try to trick the software into working. Astounding user experience, Evernote!
  7. This morning I received a notification that the Evernote client had been updated to a newer version. Within 5 seconds of browsing around the app, I easily reproduced the loading problem. Are. You. Guys. For. Real?
  8. I cannot believe this is happening so recently after Evernote decided their application had matured to the point where the web app was considered an additional device and I'd have to pay to realistically continue using the service. THE. THICK. CLIENT. IS. BROKEN. How is the dev team not all-hands on deck for this issue? If the applications I maintain as a professional software engineer were this broken for this long, I would have been fired. I just signed up for a full year. My expectations rise dramatically for a paid service vs a free one. Where is the fix for this issue?
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