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Posts posted by ScottM1234

  1. I receive a number of Evernote updates as we all do.  The updates come with update notes that say they've "fixed the bugs, changed the oil", etc..

    HOWEVER, Sync across multiple devices STILL does not work.  Recent changes to Sync have caused SLOW note loading.

    At present, I am looking at a specific note on EN for Windows vs. EN for IOS. A recent edit of this note on my MAC shows the older version on Windows and the correct version on iOS.  I cannot for the life of me get them to agree.  If I fuss with it, I will end up with two notes (collisions).  Sometimes this scenario does not fix itself and I end up having to delete the note from multiple devices and then re-add it.  I can live with "once in a blue moon", BUT, this happens ALL THE TIME.

    I am more than willing to provide details IF EN would actually listen, or if they showed interest in their users and getting to the bottom of the ONGOING issue.

    Super frustrated!!  WTH??

  2. @PinkElephant, thanks for the reply.  It seems if EN is left open on iPhone it becomes unstable (hangs during manual sync) and the only way to get it back in working order is to terminate and relaunch.  To add more information, this "unstable state" also can render the app unresponsive.  For example, after editing a note, the green checkbox is not responsive.  Or the menu, stops responding.  It seems the app state gets confused if left open.  I am still wondering if anyone else is experiencing this?  Guess I'll have to wait and see if any other respondents see this thread.  BTW: Uninstall/re-install did not solve this problem.

  3. I use an iPhone 14 Pro Max with IOS 16.1.2.

    Due to EN sync issues which I am sure we are all aware of, I do a manual sync on my iPhone followed by terminating the app which seems to overcome most of my syncing issues.

    The issue here is that 1 out of 5 times -ish, the sync hangs.  When this happens, some of the time (not always), the app stops responding altogether and I have to force close.  This usually results in lost data.  Super frustrating.

    I could not find any reports in this forum concerning manual sync's on iPhone causing EN to hang.  Anyone else experience this?

  4. 1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

    I appreciate this article, but it does not address my issue.  There is no reference note to recover from.  There is no way to cut, copy or paste.  It doesn't answer to the sync issues other than suggesting a re-install of the software which is totally ridiculous.  Numerous support tickets yield NO response from the company.  So, I post here in frustration which also yields no resolution.  Dead end.

  5. I opened this topic in October 2020 and it STILL persists.  I can only conclude that EN does not value their customers.  Such a shame.

    I have new (updated) behavior.  While typing a NEW note (IOS), the keyboard keeps disappearing (trying to sync?).  I bring it back up and start typing and I lose the keyboard again.  After a few rounds of this, I click the green checkbox in the upper left corner. Nothing happens.  I can’t get out.  The app becomes unresponsive.  No other choice but to close/reopen.  Data gone AGAIN.  I reproduced this a couple of times.  Sometimes the green check is clickable and I can get out of my note without closing the app, but only to find when I open the new note, most of it is missing.  DATA LOST AGAIN!  😡🤬

    This SUCKS and it looks like I have to live with it.  How is it that a text editor can’t seem to save changes reliably.  Come on EN, get it together!!!!!!!

  6. Seems maybe a recent update broke sync..??  My mobile (IOS) app, which is what I use most of the time simply doesn't sync reliably.  Therefore I make it a habit to manually sync.  50% of the time it works, the other 50% of the time it just hangs with the spinny thing.  The only resolve is to close the app because at that point it has crashed and is totally unresponsive to anything.  After force close, I check my edits and sometimes they are saved while other times they are lost.  SO FRUSTRATING!  Such a simple thing.  I do not understand why this is such a problem.  PLEASE FIX!  I am tired of losing edits.. !  Ugh.

  7. I have not chimed in on this for a while, but I continually have sync issues on IOS (iPhone and iPad).  It almost always results in lost data, or put more succinctly, lost edits.  Just yesterday, I typed about 10 paragraphs into a journal and it wouldn't sync.  If I go to settings to sync device, it just hangs while trying to sync.  I wait and wait and wait.  After 5 minutes, I give up and cannot get out of the screen, so am forced to close the app.  Upon re-opening it, ALL edits are GONE.  Super frustrating.

    The article: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/217930798 is useless to me.  It basically says we have to just live with it by copy/paste, or restart the app, or even re-install the app.  All of these steps are unacceptable.  Wouldn't it make more sense to FIX THE BUG?  Why doesn't EN just do that???

    THIS is why my confidence in the product has diminished.  I no longer refer people to it as a viable choice and while I do love the product when it works, I have little tolerance for buggy software.  (BTW: I am a software developer of 40+ years).



  8. My syncing issues - miserably solved

    I too use EN from many devices.  Let's put them in two categories: mobile (IOS) and desktop (Windows and MAC).  It seems that my sync issues all stem from mobile.  If I manually sync from my mobile device, I never have issues (which suggests they got it right on desktop only).  But, the moment I skip this step, I have sync hell.  It is now my practice to manually sync on mobile ANYTIME I use the app - I sync before making edits and I sync after making edits.  This has completely solved my syncing issues.  Unfortunately, EN buried the sync button in settings and it takes four taps to get to the manual sync.

    I have heard people talk of a background sync on mobile, but in my experience, it either does not exist, or doesn't work, or is not turned on in my account?

    So, now my gripe.. WHY should I have to do this?  Makes no sense.  I am hopeful that EN will address this in the near future.


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  9. My colleague is running Windows 10 with Evernote 10.5.7.  When I use Help | Check for Updates from the Evernote app, it tells me it's the most current version which is not the case since I have 10.15.6 loaded to my computer.  Is there a prescribed best way to manually update?  Both my colleague and I installed by downloading from Evernote  directly (not Microsoft Store).  It's unclear why my Evernote has updated and theirs has not. Hmmm..

    It might be worth mentioning that I pay for Premium, while my colleague uses a free version.

    Any help would be appreciated.


  10. And again, I lose more data!  I think this occurrence puts me over the top.  Not sure why I put up with this.  EVERNOTE SUCKS!!  Yep, I'm getting emotional about it now.  To hell with being professional.  They simply can't seem to get anything right.  I've been searching for alternatives, but I think ANYTHING would be better.  I wonder if I can get my last subscription payment refunded.  This is too much of a joke that we pay for an app that only loses data.  I simply added to a note and it just disappeared - poof, gone! - AGAIN!!

    Evernote can take a hike - Grrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  What's worse is the mere fact that EVERNOTE DOESN'T SEEM TO CARE.

    @Shane D.

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  11. Hello Evernote. I, like most here, am an avid user of Evernote.  I have been using it since 2011 without any problems.

    Enter version 10.0 (IOS, Windows, MAC) - Now my world is upside down.  While I have been patient as I understand a re-write from the ground up is no simple task, I have to ask, why, even after such a disaster with IOS, would you punch out the Windows and MAC versions with so many problems?  Kinda seems like a suicide mission.  Clearly these updates carry with them devastating results and I am at a loss as to why you would further this problem by releasing a known problematic product.

    So then, my question: Where can I monitor progress on these issues?  Without "Knowing" what's going on, you are forcing my hand and making me look to your competitors.  Not that I want to make a change, but this not knowing isn't cutting it.  It would be useful if you would issue a weekly update (Statement) on issues to keep us in the loop.

    PLEASE, communicate where you are with stability and what your timeline and actions are to resolve these issues.  Not sure if I can wait much longer in the dark.  Perhaps knowing what you are doing about it may give me (us) some reason to wait it out?  The only reason I still use your product is because I have not updated my Windows or MAC computers which allows me to continue using it.

    I appreciate your earliest response.

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  12. iPhone 10x; iPad Pro; IOS 14.01; EN: 10.0.2.

    Edit note. Close note. Open note: Edits GONE!!  This happens A LOT!  So much that I can no longer trust making edits on my IOS devices.  I use this app for everything in my life, yet, now, it is worthless.  How long should one wait before jumping ship?  Perhaps if EN would communicate, I could consider being more tolerable.  It's like they want us to go away.


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