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  1. LOL, not a boomer, so I'll pass that one along. I've made my career on building systems and processes for others and am constantly asked to show and explain my own to others. People are interested in hearing. Nothing to do with social media. Just being social.
  2. Yup, many variables are necessary to figure out the optimal setup, which also changes over time. Optimal today; not optimal tomorrow. 100% agree on lean setups. For the vast majority of people, EN covers most use cases they need. I can't stress enough that I've been a daily EN user since 2009, and I do see myself as a power-user. Sometimes, all that's needed is a Swiss Army Knife; sometimes, though, we need better pliers, ***** drivers, etc. Constantly asking myself "why" I'm doing whatever it is that I'm doing helps decide whether I have the most optimal process, system, and tools.
  3. Not once have I recommended anything to anybody in that post. Again, I've used the word "complement". I've stated a few times it's what working for *my* system and process. There's no feature parity between the two tools. I don't expect them to ever do. I'm picking and choosing what features work best in each tool given *my* needs. Never once have I made a point that one works better than the other *overall*. I don't use tools "just because"; I'm very deliberate at making them work for *me*, on a case-by-case need.
  4. Thank you for taking the time to skim over my blog post and provide your feedback. Allow me to clarify some points that didn't make into the gist you got: Have I been using it since Jan 2021? To expand on what I've said, "I use the tool all day long, on a PC, on a Mac, and on my iPhone.... I’ve kept using the latest version on my PC so I could stay updated on their progress". So yes, I've been using Evernote 10 daily, since the beta versions, and I install and read through "what's new" on every update. I'm very aware of what's in the product. The logic that eludes you is grounded on a possible misunderstanding. You say "so you're switching to Obsidian, even though it can't do everything you want". Notice the title of my post: "gradually complementing/replacing Evernote with Obsidian". As you've noted, the two tools serve different purposes (with a lot of overlaps, I might add). Having surpassed the 32k mark of notes in Evernote, I'm very much aware of what types of notes I can create in the tool, as well as some of its benefits. My post mentions "Being able to use the same tool seamlessly on a PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad: that’s what got me hooked immediately". The previous sentence might elucidate your questions on "why Evernote had any appeal in the first place". You can also check this post of mine from back in 2011 for a deeper dive: https://lassala.net/2011/01/10/how-im-using-evernote/ You gist also disregards the following piece: "I’m gradually learning more about the tool. It doesn’t seem to fit all of my use cases yet. But it does work really well for some of them. I do see me using the different tools for different parts of my system." If you look closely at my post, Obsidian does support tabbed interface, and support for multiple windows is here, albeit not fully functional yet. In its current state, it already works much better than Evernote 10. Much like Evernote, Obsidian also offers and paid service to have notes stored in their cloud. Or, anybody can do what I'm currently doing: I sync up my notes with Google Drive, and access them on my PC and Mac just fine. For my mobile device use cases, I continue using Evernote. For certain use cases, I'll keep using Evernote. For other use cases, Obsidian it is. Mark-down doesn't scare me, and Obsidian gives me features that I don't get in Evernote. I'm going to write further blog posts to illustrate what are the parts of my process and system that I'm moving to Obsidian, and which ones I'm keeping in Evernote.
  5. I'll still be using it for a while, but I've been growing less and less willing to stick with it after the last rewrite back in 2020. The general direction and the missing features that make me still use the Legacy version on my Mac are pushing me away. https://lassala.net/2022/09/02/gradually-complementing-replacing-evernote-with-obsidian/
  6. Yes, its slowness is appalling. I'm doing the most basic operations and seeing the spinning wheel going for 15, 20 seconds at times. That is painful as I'm going through multiple notes and trying to get things done. Evernote has become unrecognizable.
  7. Yup, that's what I do, too (nesting). Yuck, I'll break down and install the legacy version on my Mac. The time I'm spending fighting v10 is simply not feasible. 😕
  8. I also use Postach.io to keep two of my blogs. I've just published a post a few days ago through V10 and it seems to work fine. +1 on all of your other points. Not only do we need a list of "no longer supported" features, but also "will they ever be supported again?".
  9. also, a "clear roadmap" would spell out what cities we are visiting on this trip and when we're likely to get to each of them. Currently, it seems like we used to live in an oasis, but was blindfolded, taken away from it, stripped of our most valuable possessions, and left in the middle of an unknown village.
  10. I'll jump in since the changes in Tags have disrupted my flow as well. As part of my monthly review process, I go through my tags and notebook structures in Evernote, to make sure they still make sense, combining tags, removing some, nesting others. The legacy version allows me to see tags in a panel that took up the entire screen, which made it easier to see a lot of tags at once and arrange them to my needs. V10's approach, seeing tags in a single column, makes that process much harder.
  11. I wonder if the 12-year old WPF-based version of Evernote would still run fine today. If I'm running v10 but have to go back to a previous version, I say that's a step back. Releasing a new version lacking an immense number of features from its predecessor is a terrible move from the user's perspective.
  12. I understand I can take that step back, but that won't guarantee a clear path moving forward. I remember when the first version of Evernote for Windows came out. It was built on WPF, which shortly ever release was proven to be the wrong choice. They rebuilt the tool from scratch on a different tech stack. I don't remember having to take any massive step back at the time. This recent update, though, this is a huge step back. Given the number of features that are gone, and know clear roadmap moving forward, I have to seriously consider looking out to alternatives, as much as I dislike that idea.
  13. Evernote user since 2009. I have 29k notes. It's January, 2021, and I'm starting to check out Notion. Version 10 of Evernote is such a huge disappointment. Stripping away features that have become a core of my personal system was a horrible move, and I may have lost my trust on the company. 😞
  14. For the first time in 13 years I regret having installed a new version of Evernote. I wanted to check out the new Home feature, so I just installed the new version on my Mac, and I've learned that a feature I use ALL DAY LONG, "Command+T" (to open new tabs) is GONE. I cannot begin to tell you how frustrated I am with this. Here's how I (used to) use tabs: https://lassala.net/2019/11/04/using-evernote-tabs-and-tags/ The panel to organize Tags is also gone. Now I only see the tags list in one column, which is NOT the best way to see this information when I have a large screen in front of me. This may be the "Windows Vista" version of Evernote for me.
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