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Everything posted by michael-gerloff

  1. Interesting, I'm looking forward to reading more. And if anyone from Bending Spoon is reading the forum: I appreciate BS's work, and I understand that no company will be able to fulfil all user requests (especially not immediately 😃)
  2. Maybe I just ignore rude show-offs and know-it-alls 🤔 💡 <block>
  3. Maybe read my simple post again – this time try to understand it ...
  4. Rafael, great to see that even in Evernote forums there are rude real world people <sarcasm off>. I was just looking for an older software that could be used for visual exploration of my Evernote data, when I found your request that I support. I have often used the Bubble Browser to discover new topics in my EN notes – that couldn't be done with the standard view. And there is still the download site at Evernote (https://appcenter.evernote.com/app/bubble-browser/mac/index.html). Unfortunately the software isn't updated anymore – I wish EN would support this. And yes, I like the Zettelkasten approach, too. P.S. Never trust people who quote Goethe.
  5. Yep, exporting complete notebooks is no problem. But exporting 57 of x notes is.And for me exporting is not the real problem - working in Evernote with more than 50 notes at a time is. So, for me the limit of 50 individual notes is the reason to stay with EN 7 as often as I want to do real work with EN as I am not interested in poking code. For all the “just so” work EN 10 will do. Wonder what they did to the new system that selecting more than 50 individual notes could endanger the stability.
  6. Really? That is your answer? You would tell this a user who has one notebook with 57 notes? Or even more: 2 Notebooks with 63 notes? Oh boy. BTW: I don‘t want to export all my notes (I exported only some notebooks). But: I have a notebook with about 400 notes that I took from 2019 to 2021. I am not able to find out how many notes I took in 2020 or can move these to another notebook (e.g. “archive2020”) in one step because there are 143 (this I found out using EN 7). So I have to select notes three times and transfer them? These Evernote limitations are just ridiculous. And EN 7 shows that it could be done without any problem. And: No, I am not an EN doomer, it is my tool of choice since February 2009. And hopefully will be for the next years.
  7. No way to select more than 50 notes? What is the idea behind this limitation??? If I had a free account and a limit of 100 notes in total I could understand (well, almost). So I just deinstalled v10 and I am back on the Legacy version.
  8. I couldn't believe it when I read the pop up information about the limitation to 50 notes in v10. I'd understand if this would be a "feature" for the basic account, but for heavy Premium users? So thanks DTLow for reminding us on the Legacy version. Reinstalled, killed v10. All fine again. (Shame on you, Evernote)
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