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Everything posted by jcnassoc

  1. Thanks for sharing their response Marc. Seems to me they are 100% NOT taking responsibility for what's happened... almost making it seem it is our (users') odd-ball "scenarios" that require us to downgrade.
  2. I agree with everything in this post... it is very clear EN is struggling internally and my guess is they've lost lots of top talent that doesn't need to stay on a sinking ship. I'm thinking if I can downgrade to 6.* for a couple of months that gives me time to proof-of-concept Notion or others (with my data) and make the jump safely. Not how I wanted to spend October, but... (Is this where I say "Thank, Evenote!"?).
  3. Hi All - I guess if there was ever a year for a stellar product like Evernote to implode, 2020 would seem to fit. For a company considered a Venture Capital "Unicorn" this is perhaps an eye opener. Or, perhaps it's just apropos as Unicorns don't really exist, and along it's currently glidepath Evernote won't either long-term. That said, on to practical matters: 1.) Does anyone know if there's an option to downgrade to the prior Evernote release (version 6, I believe)? I'm not willing to spend my day fighting version 10 especially since I am paying Evernote $$$s. (IMHO if Evernote was smart all paying subscribers would receive at least a year free extension for putting up with this mess.) 2.) Another post mentioned a product called Notion (which I hadn't heard about previously) that evidently has a migration path for our Evernote data. Does anyone know of other GOOD products where our Evernote data can be migrated to? Any information on either of the above from folks that have journeyed down these paths would be most appreciated. I will also endeavor to post my findings as I embark on this trek. Thanks. Be well and stay safe!
  4. I too am a long-time Evernote (paying) user / fan / advocate. And I too have been devastated to see what was once an outstanding piece of software utterly destroyed. This is sad.
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