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Posts posted by avernet

  1. On 3/29/2024 at 2:33 AM, PinkElephant said:

    What happens if you select the same tag through the filters menu ?

    I get the same result. It seems to me that Menu > Tags > Foo is a shortcut for Search > Filter > Tags > Foo > Done > Done.

    Yesterday, I removed a tag from a note, and on mobile (iOS), the note still appears in the list for that tag. On desktop (macOS) and web, it doesn't show. Interestingly, I removed that tag from the mobile.

    Out of curiosity, is it working for you? That is, if you add a tag to a note on desktop or web, once the note has synchronized, do you see it listed under that tag?


  2. On the iPhone, when I open the hamburger menu, tap "Tags," and then select a specific tag, I see a list of notes associated with that tag. However, the displayed notes may not accurately reflect the current tags; it might show notes that were tagged previously but exclude notes that were tagged more recently.

    This issue doesn't seem to be related to synchronization. For example, if a tag is removed from a note, the list correctly shows the note without the tag "badge" (though it shouldn't show the note at all). Additionally, the count number displayed next to the tag name appears accurate. For instance, a tag labeled “Standup (3)” might only display one note when selected, with two notes missing.

    I do not experience this problem with Evernote for Mac or Evernote on the web.

    This situation is particularly frustrating as I rely on tags to locate notes for specific purposes, such as using a "Standup" tag for items to discuss during our daily stand-up meetings. Not being able to find notes I know were tagged "Standup" is inconvenient.

    I have reported this issue to Evernote support and will follow up here if I receive any helpful recommendations from them. Meanwhile, I'm curious if anyone in the community has encountered this issue and found a workaround.


    • Like 1
  3. Hi Dr. Dark,

    I had some success overriding CSS, using `asar` to unpack the app (you can install it with `npm install -g asar`), and then "messing" with the CSS files under `ce`. You can find some good tips on how to do this in the article mentioned below. The author is after Skype, but the tricks he mentions work just as well with Evernote. The simple thing I did was to reduce the size of the font they use for `code`, which to me looks just disproportionately large compared to the size of regular text.


    Good luck!


    • Like 3
  4. True, I also got that error. I think that when that happens, killing Safari, restarting it, and reload Evernote gets you out it. If anything, this should serve as a sign that the issue you raised should be fixed.

    I am wondering if this Evernote bug is related to Safari shrinking its URL bar, but I don't see a way to prevent that behavior as an iPadOS user.

    Did you also report it to Support, in case nobody from Evernote reads this thread?


  5. I seem to be having the same problem: I have at least one specific note that Search seems to be unable to find. Even searching for a word that appears in the title does not return that note. And this seems to be the case across platforms with the new Evernote 10, in the sense that the web app and the Mac app are both unable to find that note. Even the new ⌘J doesn't find it.

    I had this problem in the past, and it seems to me that if this persists, this would be a showstopper. Is this a known issue? If so, until this is fixed, does anyone know of a workaround?


  6. Well said. Nowadays, there is no reason to treat the browser as a second-class platform, especially for a product built on top of web technologies like Evernote. And talking about keyboard shortcuts, I'd even add that not only the shortcuts themselves, but also the ability to customize shortcuts is paramount on the web, where different browser/OS combinations capture different shortcuts and prevent them from being used by web apps.


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  7. 4 hours ago, DTLow said:

    Like reminders?   
    I just tested and notifications are working for me

    Yes, reminders. Strange, isn't it? And I did get a notification tonight. I'm wondering if the problem could only happen if the reminder is set on the macOS app; or maybe if this was a note that existed before the update to 10.x, vs. a new note created since then. There are so many possible combination. Hopefully this one will resolve by itself, and thank you for chiming in!


  8. This one is rather strange: notifications have been working for me for a few days after upgrading to a Evernote 10, and after that, they stopped working. This might have coincided with the upgrade to iOS 14, but I am not sure. The items for which I should get notifications are showing just fine in Evernote itself, and in Settings notifications are allowed for Evernote. Anyone had a similar problem? Any tips on how to get notifications to work again?


  9. 16 hours ago, DTLow said:

    I've merged your post with an ongoing feature request discussion
    To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion

    Thank you @DTLow. I did a search before posting, but apparently failed! And I've upvoted this feature request, as suggested.

    12 hours ago, gazumped said:

    I've 'tamed' a large database over time by pruning large lists of hits down to the notes I actually want and then assigning a specific tag so that list is always available as a simple search.

    I agree: constant maintenance and pruning is key. I've also taken the habit of only putting in Evernote text that I type myself, and pretty much only allow short quote that I find particularly well worded as an exception to this rule. Summarizing and rewriting ideas "in my own words" helps me understand the concepts more deeply, and makes me use words that I am then more likely to also use in a search.

    Also I don't have a lot of attachements: the vast majority of my files are in Drive instead of Evernote, and I'm linking to Drive from Evernote. But occasionally, having a PDF or image inline is really convenient, but the downside is that I then waste time when those attachments come up as the result from a search. Nothing is perfect!


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  10. I am sure that some of you consider Evernote's ability to search though attachments, even doing its own OCR on images and PDF, as godsend. For me it is the opposite: most of the time, I just want to search through my notes, the stuff I have written, and want to exclude occurrences of the word I am searching for in documents I might have attached for easy reference. Is this possible?

    Without this, I feel even more the temptation not to store attachments in Evernote, which makes the product less valuable.


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