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About glenn59

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  1. Not having ability to print is so 1970's. All other document and photo apps have this capability. Evernote is becoming less necessary as I have other similar apps that serve the same purpose, but I can print from them. Time to invest Finances elsewhere.
  2. OK. I have been searching for a way to add checkboxes, not list, in the Android app. Is this only available on desktop version?
  3. Mike P, I'll try your suggestion. That might work.
  4. I would also like to promote this idea. Evernote could be the first at implementing something completely new. My example is for my shopping list I currently perform on paper. The list is comprised of items I normally want to keep in stock. Each item has a clear circle which I fill in with pencil reflecting its status. Clear = enough on hand. 1/3 filled = buy more if on sale 2/3 filled = buy if available or at that store Filled = completely out (buy ASAP) The advantages: I never have to recreate the list, and can always add another item, or even "one time" purchases. I also have items grouped based upon the type of store. (ie: groceries, automotive, electronics, etc.) I just erase the pencil when I have correct stock on hand. Or reduce the filled in portion if not enough were available. I can purchase effectively by prioritizing the filled circles first. I also like the OP's idea of multi levels for simple project steps status levels. Please consider a way to add "multi-level checkboxes".
  5. Thanks for the good explanation. Yet, it is quite a negative not being able to add a new tag. Since tagging seems to be a major feature point for notes, this is quite a drawback. Is there no possibility of being able to add it somehow?
  6. Wow! Surprised at this bad of an improvement. All Notes - Evernote 2020-10-29 20-18-16.mp4
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