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Everything posted by jdmarch

  1. Thanks Ilia, no -- My plaintext-safe (home) computer died and I've been focused more on getting it back, but I appreciate the response and will follow up as soon as I can (and will sign up for Android beta!)
  2. "Encrypt now" re-encrypts (with different results) several notes that have not been edited since they were encrypted (last update date is more than a week previous). What could cause this?
  3. > ERROR: Unable to encrypt note [<note title>]: the 'div' start tag on line 25 does not match the end tag of 'end-note'. Line 67, position 329. The note in question is perfectly readable. Honestly, I don't really care if it is mal-formed. Just encrypt it as-is!! While this might be a useful warning about a potential Evernote bug, it is not useful or friendly in its present form. Thanks!
  4. Problems with the log: 1) The window won't resize, and the lines won't wrap, so that the only way to read long entries is to horizontally scroll back and forth, poor UX. 2) There seems to be no Copy to clipboard implemented, making it hard to record issues (e.g. my issue report coming up next!)
  5. Thanks for the explanations, Ilia. Not sure I would make the same choices, but all reasonable! The only thing that I might suggest is more explanation / warning, especially that created encrypted notebooks are local, which could cause drastic loss of data. Look forward to hearing more about Saferoom Pro.
  6. I just noticed that Saferoom created the encrypted notes target notebook as a local notebook! This seems contrary to the whole point of the app, no? Obviously I can pre-create this as synced, and repeat the process, but this could be a big surprise if someone was counting on Saferoom having done the right thing and having the encrypted notes in the cloud for recovery / transfer purposes.
  7. Similarly, notes deleted from the source plaintext notebook remain in the encrypted notebook. Conservative, but eventually messy. Seems that the easiest resolution to both issues is to delete all encrypted notes, and re-encrypt the source notebook.
  8. When an encrypted notebook is decrypted, the decrypted notes all carry over the tag "win_encrypted" as well as gaining the tag "win_decrypted". This makes it hard to do a search which excludes encrypted notes.
  9. When I change the title of a note in the "encrypt from" notebook, and re-encrypt, the log indicates that the work was done, but there is no change in the titles of the encrypted notes. Is this expected?
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