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About RI2438

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  1. Evernote acknowledge the issue and claimed it was fixed in v10.98.3. It wasn't fixed. Also tried latest v10.99.3, still not working. Reverted back to v10.93.2 and it works just fine.
  2. I know, EN has been frustrating over the last couple of years. I am already exploring other solutions. I've been a EN user for over 9 years.
  3. Filter to Filter does not allow to filter on reminder date. I looked at that on the 10.96.5 issue. EN should be able to make the Windows version work like the Web version is working. Also works in the Android version.
  4. I was not able to create a noteboo under a folder. I was able to create the notbook at the top tie. Tried moving it into a folder, not movable. Also could not delete the folder. Reverted to previous version 10.77.3 and was able to delete the notebook and create it under the correct folder.
  5. Since upgrading to 10.62.3, opening notes that contain attachments, IE Spreadsheets, PDF, etc. Can take 20 Sec to over 1 minute to open. Not ready for prime time. Fortunately, I've started collecting installable with each update cycle. Reverted back to 10.61.10 and got my speed back.
  6. When I right click on a folder, I am now unable to delete, rename or create a notebook. I am able move folders to other folder groups. I did find a work-around. If I open "Notebooks", then I can Delete, Rename and Create new notbooks under folders. Fix one thing, break another.
  7. Same problem after automatic update to 10.59.5 Win 10 this morning. Evernote needs to add a revert to previous version button when these bugs come up.
  8. I am seeing the same issue on the Automatic filtering while searching in a folder. Each note found in the search is listed twice. The entire list is repeated. ver 10.24.3-Win
  9. Can you give me a real world example. Example: Notebook name: "A. Active" My search: notebook:A. Active saddle brook Yield no results. Thats really too much typing where setting a filter by clicking would still be faster than the syntax. However, selecting the folder and searching would be the fastest and most useful for how I use Evernote. Or go back to Legacy that works the best in many regards. But I am trying to move forward.
  10. Most of my searches are in a folder that I know. When I search all, I get too much history since I am usually searching on a property name.
  11. I already have a ton of Tags. That the purpose of organizing my notes into notebooks.
  12. Legacy version, I select folder and enter search info in the search bar. Automatically filters to just that folder. Current Ver, I have to select notebook, Type search phrase, Select Filter, Enter on search phrase. 4 steps vs 2 steps. Allow when a notebook is selected, to auto filter to that notebook on search request like Legacy does. It I want to search on all notes, I can select "Notes" and search.
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