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Everything posted by bgolden126

  1. Seems like an obvious UX design flaw when it takes 2 clicks to get to Notebooks, which has been a core Evernote feature since forever. Instead, 60% of the Nav Bar is useless unless you use shortcuts, tasks, and calendar. I've been an Evernote customer for a decade, and it wasn't until this redesign I realized I had 3 notes starred as shortcuts. Also, why isn't Create a big, green button right in the middle of of the Nav Bar? Assuming you won't make the Nav Bar customizable, please make Notebooks more accessible. I appreciate the contined efforts to improve the platform.
  2. Lack of contrast in the new UI is terrible. The white sidebars distract from the note. I didn't appreciate how well the dark sidebars gave me so much more focus on the note. ...and now they're gone.
  3. Evernote has different heading sizes now, which is great. However, there's no way to access an outline of each note, which makes long notes hard to navigate. In the example note in the screenshot, you can see how long the note is by how small the scroll bar is on the right. Why not have the ability to open and close an outline on the right side (indicated by the red box)? There's always the most space on the right, and all you would need is a small icon on the right to open and close the outline. The use case in the screenshot is a series of meetings with the same client, where each header indicates the date of the meeting and who it's with (perfect for access with an outline). This same use case is great for any recurring meetings, such as company meetings, mastermind calls, coaching sessions, therapy appointments, etc.
  4. Can we backtrack for a second here... why is this happening to begin with? Why now all of a sudden? I appreciate the suggestions for a temporary workaround, but am I safe in assuming this is a recognized bug that we can expect to be resolved in an upcoming build?
  5. Same problem... laptop fans constantly buzzing, CPU ranging between 15-25% whether I'm using Evernote or not. I'm on the latest version for Windows desktop. I tried the unchecking the "Keep data when leaving" checkbox solution that PinkElephant recommended, and it didn't change anything. I tried signing out and restarting a few times. I'm sure this is a known issue at this point. Hoping for a fix soon (or a way to rollback). Thanks
  6. The new pop-up offering to customize your Home page then allowing users to preview the new Home page is absolute marketing brilliance! That's exactly what I mean by showing users how they stand to benefit from paid features. So long as the pop-ups are not overly frequent or repetitive, they provide actual value to the user that they may find more than worth paying for. As a marketer, I guarantee this pop-up and gated preview has provided an immediate revenue boost. These are app-wide wins, rather than one-off sales. I love to see it, because I'm always rooting for Evernote and would love to see them succeed and continue growing.
  7. As a ~10 year Evernote user, I still haven't found a reason to subscribe. In fact, I didn't even know the benefits of subscribing except for the research I did for my previous post in this thread. From this, I can surmise 2 things: 1. I'm not meant to subscribe. The features of the paid subscription are for more advanced users. (I edit between 1-10 notes per day on 2 devices, all of which are for personal use.) 2. There aren't features of the paid version that are useful enough to subscribe. Therefore, it's simple to ascertain that either the benefits of a subscription need to be communicated more effectively but not aggressively (the marketing needs improvement), or the paid features need to be more valuable (the features need improvement). For example, why not cooperate with other note-taking apps rather than compete? One such case is how I copy/paste notes I'd like to share to a Google Doc. I edit and collaborate on that note in Google Docs and sometimes (but not usually) copy/paste the changes back into Evernote. Otherwise, the original note In Evernote essentially dies. Why not integrate with Google Docs so you can create a Google Doc share link directly from Evernote and even update your Google Doc from Evernote 🤯... definitely something worth paying for and it means users working more in Evernote than off-platform. Even as a free user, I'm fighting for EN. It's an integral part of my life, so I have nothing but goodwill towards it and the team. But businesses aren't built on sympathy, and I don't think a they'll-upgrade-just-because-they-use-it strategy is even remotely legitimate. I want to see EN succeed and even flourish. I share these views as an attempt to support EN and help them succeed (because I would want nothing more), and I think helping them make changes that create wins app-wide have a significantly greater effect on the company than $7.99/month.
  8. I say that from a business owner point of view, not a user. For example, the premium features I would value as a user would be the edit history, using Evernote on more devices, and making notes accessible without an internet connection. Why not advertise/highlight things like that to non-paying users? Advertising what you want (Upgrading) instead of what the customer wants won't work in any business. I've never even seen what the edit history feature looks like, so why would I pay for it? Is it as good as Google Docs edit history, or is it garbage like Microsoft Office's shared files? I think that's a huge missed opportunity for Evernote's marketing, and I'm a marketer (...would actually love to work on Evernote's customer acquisition).
  9. Just saying... not only off-putting but rather distracting. Definitely not a motivator to turn around and pay a company. Why not focus on creating value-added features/services/business collaborations or better position premium features so that their value is communicated, in order to attract users to paying for the platform rather than pushing them with 40% Off pop-ups or these bright yellow buttons? As a long-time user, I would be happy to pay for Evernote, but aggressive marketing isn't going to win me over (nor would paywalling core functionality, FYI... both are brand killers).
  10. Not sure why comments are closed on the pinned post, but I felt so compelled to come here that I didn't want to leave without giving my feedback. I've been an Evernote user for 8 years and a serious user for the past 4 (I update or create about 10 different personal notes every day). This is the first time in 8 years that I've been able to wholehearted recommend Evernote to a friend. For someone who uses it as much as I do, why only until now? I've always written it off as a necessary evil... it has all of my notes, it did what I needed it to (when it worked properly), and there wasn't another app that did it considerably better (trust me, I looked). But this year has brought a wave of changes to Evernote with the release of 10.0. I felt it immediately when that update came out. Senseless bugs that had plagued Evernote for years were finally addressed. Better yet, subsequent updates actually addressed bugs I reported. And a dark mode was even added! As soon as I opened my new Evernote 10.9 this morning, I knew today we finally reached the promised land: An Evernote that just works. Every remaining issue that existed from the 10.0 release has noticably been addressed. Notably, spell check and the custom dictionary works again, and I can actually see all of my notebooks in the sidebar again. I just want to say thank you! I've read a bit about the company's history, and I know it's been a journey. From someone who uses Evernote day in and day out, I just want to make sure the work that's been put in, and that changes that have been made, are appreciated. And when I say this is the promised land, I mean it. Evernote does not need a bunch of fancy features. It just needs to work and listen to it's users. I truly hope from this point the company can grow and that the people who made these changes possible can benefit from their work. Just please, don't change Evernote 10.9 — 3/10/2021 🐘
  11. Anytime you line break at the beginning of a bullet point that already contains text, it creates a line break without a bullet (see first attachment). This is a huge hassle because backspacing to fix it deletes the whole line, which resets numbered lists (see second attachment).
  12. Jeez... I thought it was just my phone. This might be my nail in the coffin for Evernote... this happens to me CONSTANTLY and it’s an awful sign if it happens to others. Has Evernote become abandonware?
  13. In the Windows desktop, iOS, and web app versions of Evernote, I cannot select or resize images in my notes. In all 3 of those cases, images do not have the functionality referenced in this help article. Normally I copy images into my notes, but I also cannot manipulate images that I have upload from my computer or phone either. It's a real pain having images take up the whole screen when they're really intended to be only a small addition between lines of text. Seems like a glaring issue. Is anyone else having problems selecting / resizing images?
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