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About lkodman

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  1. I keep trying to share a shopping list with my husband. I'm have a paid Personal plan and he has a free plan. I want him to be able to add content to the list, not a static note. He gets the email saying a note was shared, but it doesn't show up in his "Shared with Me" section. I tried the reverse with him sharing a note with me and the same thing happened. On his account I can see notes that we shared many years ago, but not this note. Any thoughts? I've recently returned to using primarily Evernote after trying other apps for tasks, etc. I'm having a few areas for what seem like glitches to me. Is there something going on recently with updates?
  2. I haven't read through the 70+ responses to the request for tags, but I wanted to share that until they add that functionality, I decided to start going "old school. I simply do tags with hashtags like... #call ... and then I search for those in my task searches. So far it's worked well. The biggest problem is that there is no standardized list. So if I use #call but search for #calls I may not find it. But it's working for me now so thought I'd share.
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