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Excited Evernote User

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Posts posted by Excited Evernote User

  1. Hi All,


    As a long time Evernote feature the effline mode was critically to keep on work during flights or other areas with no internet connection 

    However, at the latest update I discovered that this function stopped working on my Evernote app on Windows and Mac (it still appears to be working on my mobile app). See screenshot of how it looks like on my screen. 

    Please can you urgently guide me how I can switch it back on so that all notes are downloaded and working. 


    Very important please. 


    Thank you 

    Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 08.49.35.png

  2. Note linking

    I was wondering if the following function exist as it would hugely automate the work

    assume you have 2 notes: note 1 and note 2. You want to link from note 1 to note 2

    The process I am aware is is that you have to 1) look for note 2; 2) create link; 3) go to note 1 and copy link

    Is there a possibility that I coudl simply do 1) be in note 1 and create a link to note 2 via a short cut? 

    Many other note taking apps I am aware can do this and its a huge time saver for building a 2nd brain (as most of the value lies in the connection between notes). 
    Is there a function for this available pls? 

  3. Hi All, 


    I am a long term user of Evernote and will remain loyal to the solution given the volume of notes in it. 

    In addition to my GTD (David Allens Getting Things Done) implementation, I want to more proactively use evernote for my ZETTELKASTEN system and therefore need (1) better linking capabilities and (2) graph view -- using obsidian terminology. Obsidian has great solutions for those and makes it really good for Zettelkasten implementation however I would like to use evernote for that and would therefore need those two features. 

    Given that this will be cricial feature(s) and trust you have this already on your tech feature roadmap; as a result would appreciate if you could kindly guide when we could expect solutions to come online. 


    Many thanks, trusted user since 2014 :)



  4. Dear All,

    First of all, I love Evernote and using it for year now - thanks for helping boosting my organization and productivity.

    There is one thing that really helps me when I study for certain subjects which is MINDMAP-ing (http://www.tonybuzan.com/about/mind-mapping/). 

    I do this separately on a sheet of paper and then scan it in to have it in mindmap or draw it as a graphic in one of the notes;  however, new information are often added and it evolves over time which makes a rigid scan difficult to adjust. I was wondering if you could implement a mind mapping function so mind maps could be integrated into a note and one can always add new trees or remove them etc. This would be so amazing. 


    Pls let me know if that would be possible at all; would be just so helpful and so many ppl are using Mind Map to organise themselves as well as Students and children to study so would be just so helpful



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  5. @TK0047@s2sailor thank you very much! I will look into it. It maybe even a better solution than the one I originally envisioned 


    Just thinking out loud and conscious that Evernote is a big productivity tool, and I am a big fan of organizing and productivity enhancement.

    Do you guys have any recommendation of system (Getting Things done et al.)/ techqniues / features that are super boost at Evernote -- :) 

  6. Dear All,

    First of all, I love Evernote and using it for year now - thanks for helping boosting my organization and productivity.

    There is one thing that really helps me when I study for certain subjects which is MINDMAPing (http://www.tonybuzan.com/about/mind-mapping/). 

    I do this separately on a sheet of paper and then scan it in to have it in mindmap, however, new information are often added and it evolves over time which makes a rigid scan difficult to adjust. I was wondering if you could implement a mind mapping function so mind maps could be integrated into a note and one can always add new trees or remove them etc. This would be so amazing. 

    Pls let me know if that would be possible at all.



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