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Posts posted by mikefinleyco

  1. Just now, DTLow said:

    For users needing "nested structure", my motivation is to point them to the organization hierarchy implemented by Evernote

    No it's not, your motivation is to troll every thread about nested structure and argue with everyone why it can't be done, or most bizzare is to argue WHY it shouldn't be done or why everyone should work around it. Totally bizarre. Why do you care if Evernote would implement nested structure? Like any feature, it wouldn't harm you, why do you care? You would simply not use it and keep doing what you do, so why do you care that others want it and take it upon yourself to troll every thread about the subject?

  2. 1 hour ago, DTLow said:

    There's a story about Henry Ford ignoring what his customers advice; they wanted faster horses

    >>and your point is?

    That it's possible that just because people want something, it's not necessarily best

    Also quoting Shaw  "“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself"
    Of course he goes on to say "Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

    Why in the world are you continuously trolling every thread asking for nested structure arguing against it as if it would negatively affect you? What motivation to you have to do this?

  3. On 6/17/2019 at 7:08 PM, Scott T. said:

    Unfortunately, based on our current architecture and database design, it's NOT an easy change. It comes down to entity relationships (parent-child). Adding multiple levels of notebook nesting in the current architecture is just not doable. We've made certain consolations like Stacks or Spaces (for business customers), but these are basically giving you one additional level via a new entity type (vs. entities being able to relate to entities of the same type). 

    We're currently actively rearchitecting a lot of the system. Changes in the system should allow for more flexibility in the future around entity relationships. I can't speak to any specific initiatives to allow for multiple levels of notebooks, but it should theoretically become easier in the future once we've completed our current work.

    I would hope nested tree structure is at the top of the list for development in the near future.

    I'm baffled why a company has a direct query to its users asking them what features they would like to see in their product, the users #1 request based on it being an active open continuous request since 2008 with the most replies and activity than any other request, and the company asking the users, ignores their most desired feature for 11 years??????



  4. 16 hours ago, AndreasM said:

    Simply do not upgrade!!!! And let Evernote deal with the problems instead of using clients as a testers.

    I agree, I try to skip about 5 upgrades but then roll the dice finally and figure I'm so out of date I should update, however, I'm tired of their buggy crappy updates especially when their updates are truly meaningless they don't seem to add anything to the user experience they seem to consist of fixing bugs from the last update. I'm taking your advice and once I get past this crappy update and get one where evernote is stable again I'm done with thier updates.

  5. This last update has some issues, evernote on my desktop will crash, go into "Not responding" a couple of times a day, have to shut it down and restart, luckily only the last autosaved data is lost. I typically avoid updating Evernote for these exact reasons, but after about 5 skipped updates I roll the dice and do the update, but this time it's biting me again. I can't find any information about how to roll back an update, is there a way? Attached is the screen shot of evernote not responding

    Also have notebooks that can't be deleted. Attached a video of that too.





  6. 8 hours ago, DTLow said:

    That's BS
    This thread has degenerated into users posting BOOHOO, Evernote's so bad

    >>If it is why does it bother you? 

    This clutters up my use of the forum; learning to better use the Evernote product, and to help other users


    Are you serious? How about the ultimate uncluttering for you, ignore this thread. It's 1400 posts about the same thing, what exactly is your reason for ever looking at it? 

    If it clutters your day, simply don't open it. Believe me nobody is going to miss you cutting and pasting the same replies to every new user which is -"use tags, go use something else..."

    You ignore this thread, your life becomes less cluttered, everybody is saved from yet another canned reply. Win/Win/Win

  7. I try to avoid evernote updates as long as possible, as every time I update it's a roll of the dice what evernote will end up doing, not to mention the updates rarely have anything in them that is a new feature or benefit, usually them just getting rid of bugs


    After avoiding the last 4 updates I finally submitted and did the last update. Of course now evernote goes into Sync sleep cycle at least once or twice per day. Thankfully just shutting it down and restarting it results in no data loss, it's not always such a good outcome.  It would be lovely to be able to choose the update, I'd rather stay 1 behind the newest. Shame users are scared to update a product you're paying for, updates should be welcome.

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