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Everything posted by glm

  1. Maybe they haven't been able to attract and retain top talents?
  2. When I was talking about infrastructure, I meant Evernote infrastructure. Maybe the new infrastructure they are using isn't able to take the load of new requests. Maybe the software overloads the infrastructure. I takes me an average of 5 seconds to get open a note on an offline Notebook. It takes an average of 3 seconds to validate the selection of a tag. I also launched the download of one notebook, it ran all night long, with the iPad's screen on and it's still not completed. The most amazing is the lack of communication from Evernote to its users. The is something big going on and there is no blog post, no strategy to remediate to the issue. I'm an Evernote user since July 2011 and I exported all my notes to Notion. It's incredibly faster than the new Evernote App. The only downside is there is no way to e-mail notes to Notion, I hope it's coming soon.
  3. Yes, that's weird, the slowness might be infrastructure related then. I'm located in Canada, Montreal.I tried Evernote on the iPhone 11 with both iOS 13 and 14. Both were equally slow.
  4. Hello, I tried on my iPad Air 3rd generation and iPhone 11, both are too slow for me to use. Search is slow, loading notes once selected is slow, loading tags is slow, taking photos is slow. I hope Evernote is working overtime this week end to fix this and we'll see an update in the coming days that address this. I heavily rely on Evernote and this version is nowhere near something you can release to the public.
  5. Will iOS 13 make it easier for the Evernote dev team to implement a dark keyboard in dark mode?
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