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Posts posted by Pozinux

  1. On 2/28/2020 at 1:58 PM, CherryDT said:

    I have a workaround now. I hope it can help others as well.

    I wrote a script that converts the plain text in the clipboard to HTML that is accepted by Evernote as a code block. You can then easily paste the code without messing up formatting.

    If you paste it outside a code block, you will get a code block with your code inside.

    If you paste it inside an existing block, you will also get the code pasted correctly, however it will insert one extra line break before it. You have to remove it manually.

    1. Install AutoHotkey
    2. Download the WinClip library
    3. Get my script
    4. Place evernote_code_wrap.ahk (my script), WinClip.ahk and WinClipAPI.ahk (from the WinClip library) next to each other in a folder
    5. Run evernote_code_wrap.ahk

    Now, you can press Ctrl+Alt+V to convert and paste. (There is also Ctrl+Alt+P to just convert inside the clipboard without immediately pasting.)

    You can set up AutoHotkey to load the script automatically when you start your computer.

    Works perfectly as needed thanks so much. I don't really like to depend on anything other than a software's native features but I have to admit that this helps a lot in this case! Good job. I don't really know how it works but it works. :)

  2. On 2/28/2020 at 12:22 PM, CherryDT said:

    @jefito Hm I was a bit fast in concluding that the rich text format would work.

    I tested it now with Visual Studio as well, and I can see it then instead removed the empty lines. (Actually, we can see that even in your post.)

    So we have the option to either get twice as many empty lines as needed or none at all. Both options are not really usable. 💔

    Yes I just tested it in Microsoft Word and it is having the same behavior... Too bad because the code block used to work pretty well and was very usefull in earlier release. 

    Please EN developer team, take this matter seriously. Thanks!

  3. On 2/19/2020 at 12:10 AM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    I know less than zip about code blocks. But I see the Web beta editor (https://www.evernote.com/client/web) has code blocks. Do they also have this problem there?

    Hi, I tried to paste the same code into the code block web editor and it works OK. No double lines! And when the synchronisation is done with my Windows evernote client, it doesn't double lines. The thing is I never use the web editor but it is a first workaround if I need to paste some important code block. Thanks!

  4. On 2/16/2020 at 5:50 PM, CherryDT said:

    Same issue here, for a long time already. I verified that this is with plain text copy, there is no formatting that can mess it up, and it doesn't matter if the line endings in clipboard are CRLF or LF, and Ctrl+Shift+V makes no difference to Ctrl+V :(


    EDIT: This even happens when copying from the code block into itself! Every time, empty lines get doubled again and again.

    This is a major issue for me, and it exists for so long already, is there any chance it will be looked at some time soon?

    Thanks so much for your post @CherryDT, I'm glad I'm not the only one into this situation! (I thought I was crazy!^^).

    It is a very big issue for me aswell. I started to paste my code into other software but I regret so much being able to do it into Evernote.

    Please please Evernote teams, look into this very annoying bug that wasn't there a few updates ago.




  5. Hello,

    When I copy code from an editor (Notepad+++, PyCharm etc.) and paste it into an Evernote code block, all empty lines are doubled. If there is an empty line, in the block I will get two instead. Two empty lines, the code block will create four.

    If I paste the code without block, just in the body of the note, no problem but if I select this code and click on the "block code" button to format it, the empty lines are duplicated.

    I've had the problem for a few versions. I am in version (308489) Public (CE Build ce-62.3.7750)

    and I'm on Windows 10 64bits.

    Do others reproduce the same concern?

    See the attached files.

    Thanks for your help, this bug is very annoying for me.





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