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Posts posted by StephenBD

  1. Doing things only in response to popular vote, @DTLow, is not a good policy.  We can see that in US and UK politics right now.  🙂 

    The design worked fine before EN took an arbitrary decision to suddenly hide an important interface element several clicks deep.  I am guessing it was motivated by a desire to standardise between the iPad and iPhone versions even though there was ample screen-space on the iPad to keep these functions at the surface.  It was a silly decision that could easily, at the time, have been reversed. 

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  2. Yes, invu798, I agree.  Bringing back the bullet buttons to the tool bar is a great restoration of something that went missing nearly a year ago. But we need buttons to indent and outdent bullets too.  Maybe Evernote are forgetting that people often use the soft keyboard on the iPad not a hardware keyboard with shortcuts, tab keys etc? 

    If there is not enough space on some screens, bullet hierarchy could be implemented as a pop-up from the bullet button itself - press to see promote/demote options?

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