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About Carpesimia

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  1. So, let me toss out my point of view. I travel between several office locations. My normal solution for my daily grind is a steno pad next to me as I work. Notes, code fragments, configs, you name it I jot them down as I am working. I have 7 years of these that I can scroll back through at any time. Now that Im moving between offices, the steno isnt doing the job. I leave it behind, or it get mangled in the case. Mostly, its not searchable and with so much history it takes forever to find what Im looking for. My vision: To have a tablet (like my galaxy tab 8 ) that I can tote around, carry into meetings, sit beside my keyboard. I can jot things down, draw pictures, etc. My handwriting will become text via OCR, and my sketches will become images. I'd have a notebook in Evernote which has a note for each day, which is all searchable. And this would be in raw evernote format, as if I used the desktop app to put it together. Opening an attachment is not how Id like it to work. Now, if we could somehow sync into Evernote like that from another app (yeah, like Nebo. Its awesome) that would be the move. Even better having a rich "handwriting" editor that we could switch to that did the OCR and the images on the fly would be even better. Id never have to leave evernote. At the moment Im looking at using Nebo with OneNote (even though I hate onenote) because it would give the solution I need. In this day and age, and doesnt seem like it should be such an impossible task. I already pay for evernote, and would gladly add additional cost if I could get the above to work. Either native imports, or in-app better handwriting. Its funny I say better handwriting. Im one of the people which the handwriting (sketch) doesnt work. I can write one letter then the pen (and finger) stop working. I cant even write a sentence. So... broken.
  2. Im exploring other apps because I need this working, and am experiencing the same issue. I need to reduce my paper footprint, and need notes i take to go right into evernote. Actually evaluating onenote for working functionality.
  3. I'm currently a free user too, and having the same issue. I can connect via the web just fine, but the app wont let me connect. v6.10.
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