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Steve Wagar

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Everything posted by Steve Wagar

  1. Sorry, folks, I have to retract this bug. It should just be deleted. The problem was I downloaded Legacy Evernote to use the export feature, which is not in the newer versions, and Legacy locked me out, which actually makes a lot of sense. Once I logged out of it, I was able to access Evernote on my computer and phone. The message I got could have been clearer, but since it is Legacy, I understand. Sorry!
  2. I retracted the below issue -- it is because using Legacy Evernote on your computer locks you out of all other authorized devices until you log out of it, which makes sense. Sorry! I am using the free version, and I have been locked out of all my devices with no way in until next month (which may be tomorrow) except to buy premium. The problem started with the new feature to pick two devices you want to use. I chose my phone and one of my computers. No problem. I almost always use it only on my phone. But today I used the web version and it asked me to pick two devices again. An old phone I no longer use showed up on the list, so I deleted it and it let me in. The next time I tried to use it on my phone, it said I could not use it on my phone because it was not one of my two devices. And then I went back to my computer, same thing. And both say I have used my two times this month to change active devices. But these two devices are in fact the two I chose! So I am locked out of all devices with no possibility of getting in until next month except to buy premium. And I have low confidence that when I get back in next month it will start to recognize my devices, but I have already selected them both twice, using up my two times! This feature has run amuck! Help! Thanks.
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