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About StefanS

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  1. We really need those borders to be there and that white paint on top as well. If you're already changing it, then it needs to be visually completely merged into one. It's just one colour throughout the whole application.
  2. Hello, I like Evernote and use it for my work and personal. It would be perfect to have a collapsible section. I have lots of things in one note, I would like to hide it (only title would be visible).
  3. Same things happen to me. Lot of RAM, SSD, no other programs have stalled only Evernote. Evernote legacy look like Porsche compare to new supposedly better version. It's not. Very frustrating.
  4. I have lost home and task features, why? Android beta user.
  5. How long we have to wait for fix? Its almost 1 month, hope we we will get some discount.
  6. Exactly. I use evernote mostly on phone, so now I have to clip 2 times, before only once. This is ridiculous.
  7. Agree, take ages to clip simple page, and finale result is just mess. Hope they fix it soon. For me is clipping 50% of what I use evernote.
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