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Neil Rutledge

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  1. Wow, I'm surprised that people here find having another screen to click into for viewing notebooks useful whatsoever. Everything is in the left menu already. My complaint is the fact that you can't edit/organize the notebooks in the left menu instead of having to click into a redundant screen.
  2. Yes please provide a separate setting to disable recent notes! I'm sure there are people that love it, but for many people it's just taking up space, creating a distraction or compromising their privacy. For me personally, it just drives me nuts. I want to put things in their place, not have things jumping around. It takes more time and mental energy to scan a recent list in hopes of finding the note I was recently viewing then to just go to where I know where to find it.
  3. I just want to add that I quite like the way Evernote displays images in the card and snippet views. The algorithm works fairly well. However, if a user could drag an image from a note onto the card/snippet to update the thumbnail, that would be amazing!
  4. I completely agree. The tags are right there in the sidebar. Why would I want to click into another screen, find the tag I'm already looking at in order to interact with it???? Evernote Mac team, please, please, please enhance the tags in the left menu to have the functionality that exists on Evernote Windows.
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