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Brian Handscomb

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  1. Hi, I saw your post referencing your use of Evernote Legacy on the Linux operating system. (I've never used Linux.)   I'm about to load Linux on an old Apple MacBook, and I'd appreciate any guidance you can provide me in this regard -- concerning the best use/configuration in order to maximize the use of Evernote Legacy. Thanks in Advance.  -- Re. 

    1. Brian Handscomb

      Brian Handscomb

      I was using NixNote2 - version that "came with" the Devuan distro of Linux - this would obviously use published API similar to those of "legacy" Evernote client...

      For Apple laptop I would recommend getting Ubuntu. Only distro I've tried so far where WiFi works right off the bat...

      Just tried "from scratch" using Ubuntu on an old MacBook Air... Nixnote2 is available via the software repository so installed it. On launch it was a default local account. I told it to add an account and gave username and selected Evernote as type of server. I then switched to that account, and told it to synchronize. There was a new window to login to Evernote. Provided details and clicked to login. Window went blank. Found Nixnote2 had a "login failed" popup behind. This was I think Evernote blocked access wanting to ask me to re-authorize but the program wasn't ready for the prompt. Close the "fail" popup and told it to synchronise again. Window popped up asking me to allow the access (for a year) and as soon as I told Evernote to allow access the program started to populate. Then the charge in the laptop battery died.

      Haven't used the version of NixNote2 available to Ubuntu before but it is slowly pulling down my 1000s of notes. Interesting tapping through seeing notes I created in 2011

      These days I split my notes between Obsidian and Joplin - Obsidian for simple "daily diary" notes, Joplin for everything else. I've imported everything in and haven't actually used NixNote2 for a couple of months.

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