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Everything posted by mortac8

  1. I just want EN to sync from my iphone on the green check. I don’t want to have to click the green check, then click back, then click menu and navigate to Notes section, then pulldown to refresh/sync or whatever the current reliable process is (green recycle icon in the top right of note from Notes screen deal). That’s like 5 actions to sync the only way I have faith in. Otherwise I end up with duplicate/conflicted notes way too frequently when I go home and try to work on the note on my PC.
  2. Add a sync button that pushes it to the server. EN needs to keep it simple and not overthink this. It's an app to sync journal updates or shopping lists not send messages though space and time and all 11 dimensions. Sometimes I think it would be easier to dump Evernote and just use draft Gmail messages for my notes.
  3. Unstable network scenario should be the fallback not the rule. If I can watch an NFL game live streaming in HD on my phone then I should be able to sync some text. @Boot17 Thanks for the links (blog posts). Very interesting. "In the deal signed between Bending Spoons and Evernote, Bending Spoons agrees to take ownership of Evernote in a transaction expected to complete early in 2023."
  4. Sounds like a case of the cure being worse than the disease.
  5. The fact that it's actually how Evernote works seems a bit ridiculous, don't you think? Is a sync that network expensive that a paid app can't sync to server on the check button?
  6. I'm just happy that I figured out (I think) that I can go into the Notes specific section of the IOS app and swipe down from the top of the screen to refresh/sync/save. I think I had been mistakenly thinking that hitting the green checkbox to close the note would also sync it. Silly me (sarcasm)
  7. This is pretty much my experience (excessive conflicts, unpredictable syncing, etc). I use the Windows, iOS, and macOS apps. I'm about to the point where I'll just try using the Evernote webapp when on mac or iphone. Windows app seems to work pretty well and predictably with its "all changes saved" status while editing a note.
  8. That's cool. I just thought I'd chime in. All I want is functionality from like 2010 to work
  9. This past year I have noticed an insane amount of sync issues (mainly duplicate notes). My workflow is simply to enter text in a Note in the Windows client then File -> Quit Evernote then later in the day do the same on Evernote client for macOS or iOS. I get a "we have found more than one version" popup probably 50+% of the time now. At this point, I'd prefer just having a manual save and a manual load button to update my Note.
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