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Myrddin R Emrys

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  1. Greetings ..to ..well, anyone who may see it.

    I'm pretty much single-minded in why I am a member of the forum. (a previously-paying member) Now, I've withheld renewal, because I want/need a proper, dark theme for the windows client of Evernote.

    I do have less tolerance for systems that utilize large areas of bright white background. Hence, my single request from Evernote for a dark theme. At first I was highly encouraged that there was a large user-base of people who also wanted this from Evernote, either for Windows, Android or iOS / MacOS.  However, in the years I have been participating and repeatedly asking for it (along with everyone else), it becomes apparent that Evernote's management, programmers or suits, don't seem to care about this request. I remain part of this forum community because I would like to know if they ever do either decide to listen to or provide for Us, their user base, the aforementioned dark theme.

    I wish each of you well, and the best of luck. However, I don't intend to go through hacking into the software with a hex editor or, however it's being done lately.  I either want it to be as easy as looking through a theme library and being able to choose to download or install it as easily as I'm able with Simple StickNotes, SeaMonkey or FireFox, Windows10, their Media Player, VLC media player, Winamp player, KODI or any number of other bits of software that I use a lot or only from time to time. This seems to me to be a perfectly reasonable request. I am, as to be expected, quite puzzled as to why Evernote just ignores their user base to this extent. I have never seen a single note or reply from them in the forum subjects which request the dark theme.

    So, I'll leave you with this.. You may choose to not pay them, as is probably your best leverage since they don't make money if you don't buy their products, or, you may choose to pay them and continue in the hopes that they will be more likely to listen to you if you are a paying customer.  I've chosen the former since the latter had no effect whatsoever and I am choosing to not support a company which ignores it's customers.

    All my best to you, to Evernote, and yours.

    Sincerely, Myrddin R Emrys :: 21 July 2017


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