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Posts posted by marvelway

  1. I agree it's best to not expect it and let it go. I'd like to add, though, that this is a note taking app, and being able to mark up code is very useful, such as highlighting key parts. Code is text, and just like marking up text is useful (underlining, highlighting, bolding, etc), marking up code is useful. 

    It's probably true not a lot of people mark up code, but Evernote defenders tend to overly default to "don't ask for it, no one uses it". I remember when Evernote defenders used to say, "don't ask for markdown, only 1% of users use it" when people asked for markdown. Now, Evernote has markdown (probably bc all its competition provided it). Evernote defenders also shot down people asking for syntax highlighting, but apparently now Evernote will finally add it. 

    @Farbauti save code snippets in Notion, they let you mark up code. 

    • Like 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, gazumped said:

    Wasn't aware it ever was - the thing about a code block is that it's plain text.  No formatting.  Anyway - if your original information is gone,  and there's no way to recover it from the current architecture,  what are you expecting Evernote to do?

    Many of us have exploited unexpected loopholes in app features for our own purposes,  but unless the feature is part of the overall specifications,  there's no comeback if that loophole changes when the code is updated.

    I can still add text formatting to code blocks in Legacy, and I can still see text formatting in code blocks in Legacy. 

    I'd love for Evernote to re-add this. But yeah, probably not happening any time soon, if ever. I'll be using Notion for code snippets from now on, since they support text formatting in code blocks (as well as syntax highlighting and code formatting). 

  3. 28 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

    I mean if you need syntax highlighting attach your source file to a note and open it in your IDE right from Evernote. Syntax highlighting would be nice but this isn't data loss, it's data conversion that stripped some metadata to work in the new program. Data loss would imply the code snippet is missing entirely. If syntax highlighting is important use a tool dedicated to writing and storing code, not Evernote. 

    No, I'm not talking about syntax highlighting. I'm talking about text formatting that I personally added to code blocks, such as underlines, strikeouts, bolds, etc. Those no longer appear in v10. 

    3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    Did you use the „Change Tone“ function of the AI Edit feature ? Sounds like, really helpful, isn’t it

    As you may know by now, the forum is user2user. So maybe you use the newfound constructive sound to send your request at


    ?? um no idea what you're talking about.

    This post is about lost formatting in code blocks, so I'm commiserating with OP's experience bc I've experienced the same thing, and also sharing info about this with others who may stumble on this thread. 

  4. 15 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    Then you know where to go. Farewell.

    (Can anybody explain to me where the logic behind this repetitive argument is: I want something - I know where to get it - but I don’t take it where available, I rather post nonsensical stuff to get it elsewhere.)

    Lol. Why are you always so needlessly combative. 

    Obviously I do use Notion. I also use Evernote. As a paying customer, I'm stating that I'd like Evernote to implement this. Especially when they did in Legacy and removed the ability in v10 as well as removing all previous text formatting. It's not nonsensical to mention what is available elsewhere and expected by customers. In fact, it works bc apparently Evernote will finally add code syntax highlighting (which is a common standard in note taking apps) which was requested and discussed on this forum. 

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    • Haha 1
  5. On 4/10/2024 at 9:03 AM, gazumped said:

    ...I sympathise if you lost data,  but it wasn't 'intentional' - just a consequence of Evernote following user instructions to have a common font for all OS's: presumably what you have lost is the colours,  not the actual content.

    No, we lost all styling, such as italics, highlights, strikethroughs, etc.

    I recently switched to the new version, and made the same discovery as Farbauti. We can no longer style text in code blocks. Before, I would highlight, change the color, italicize, etc, sections in code. Now it's no longer possible and all my styling is gone :(

    In Notion, we can style code (bold, italicize, underline, strikeout, highlight, change color) and even add comments. (Not to mention there's code formatting and syntax highlighting).

    Screen Shot 2024-05-01 at 10.27.52 AM.png

  6. Have you guys seen Evernote's CEO's response to the version 10 backlash? https://evernote.com/blog/state-of-the-product/

    We can see what's slated for future releases here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/articles/360058361833 (not that I care bc for now I'll be using Legacy)

    Here are quotes I find important: 



    But possibly more controversial was our decision to roll out the new Mac and Windows apps while still missing features used by some of our most intensive customers. We believed this was the right path because Mac and Windows users dependent on missing features could continue to use (and reinstall if necessary) their legacy Evernote Mac or Windows client. Meanwhile, getting the new apps into people’s hands now—even if they only met the needs of 90 percent of our customers—opened up our ability to iterate quickly, so we could work through the backlog of rebuilding previously available features and make progress on new features to come. 

    In retrospect, I think we went wrong in failing to set proper expectations with our power users in advance of these releases. If we had increased communication to help our most intensive users evaluate up front whether the new Windows or Mac release was ready for them, I believe we could have avoided much of the dislocation they experienced on exploring the new apps. Nonetheless, launching the new clients into market has enabled us to increase release velocity significantly over the last several months, so we still believe that we are on the right path...

    Users who have reverted to the legacy Mac or Windows versions of Evernote want us to fill the gap of missing features. On the other hand, the majority of Evernote’s customers are looking forward to new capabilities. Both needs are real, so expect us to pursue both in parallel, taking advantage of our new, higher velocity release cycle...

    It is clear that we still have work to do before our new apps will delight everyone. But it is also true that many of our customers are already finding great success with these apps, as we can see in improved product engagement metrics measured across millions of users. For instance, across the new apps customers are creating more notes and are more likely to share or tag notes than they are in the legacy clients. So while our work is not done, our direction is clear.


    The positives: 

    • They can ship improvements faster
    • They're listening to feedback
    • They're using product engagement metrics (real data not random whims) to guide their decisions

    The bs

    • They're basically admitting 10% of users are using the Legacy version. I don't know why they call that 10% "power" users, or the "most intensive" users. I've seen complaints from people who use Evernote just for recipes and were upset that they couldn't simplify formatting or clip content any more. And I bet more people would use Legacy if they knew about it. 
    • They admitted the new release was extremely buggy, but believe releasing a buggy product with missing features was the right decision bc they knew most people wouldn't complain and they wanted to use users as guinea pigs. Or officially, bc they could ship future fixes and bc "power" users could revert to the older version while they work on adding missing features. Well, maybe they're right that the new version will attract more new users, and they have to force changes, particularly UI, on users. But version 10 was extremely buggy, and there's no excuse for releasing something so buggy. There's no reason they couldn't have waited a few more months to iron out major bugs. I don't believe they didn't know of those bugs. I noticed them as soon as I started using it, plus there were reports from beta users. So yeah, no excuses for shipping such an incomplete release.
    • Like 2
    • Not a fan of List View font getting bigger. This makes List View less dense. For example, you see less of the note title in the same amount of horizontal space. (I can live with it though, sigh.)
    • Search suggestions don't automatically disappear after pressing enter. If I press enter, it means I'm done typing my search terms and only want to see the results. I don't want to continue to see search suggestions. 
    • I use List view, and when I click a note shortcut in the sidebar, list view disappears and all I see is the opened note. (Perhaps not that big of a deal.)
    • "Cmd + R" shortcut to reset search (aka clear all search filters) (It's a pain to have to manually click "clear filters" every time I start a new search)
    • More/better text color options
    • "Cmd + Shift + V" to paste plain text
    • Simplify formatting 
    • Touch bar integration
    • Dark mode app with light mode notes in light mode (Hopefully this option will return when Preferences are reinstated.)
    • Local notes for privacy :(
    I've already upvoted feature request threads for tabs and custom fonts.
    Thanks to this thread, I've learned that command+click will open an internal note link in a new window! Thank goodness. I also learned that the CEO of Evernote doesn't use tags and prefers notebooks. I'm kinda gobsmacked that a person like that (i.e. doesn't use Evernote) is running Evernote!
    I'm heavily dependent on Evernote, and when I switched from Windows to Mac, I was shocked by the differences in Evernote Windows and Evernote Mac. Evernote Mac seemed like the red-headed stepchild bc of slow updates, bugs, and lack of features compared to Evernote Windows. Eventually, I got used to Evernote Mac, but I was still happy to hear Evernote was going to try to unify cross-platform experiences. I've used Evernote long enough to see some of my most annoying bugs get fixed (though not all..), so hopefully Evernote 10 improves quickly. I've noticed a few pros to Evernote 10. For now, I will stick with Legacy Evernote, but I noticed I'm less annoyed by Evernote 10 than I was yesterday, which means I'm slowly getting used to it.
    • Like 3
  8. With Notion gaining steam, I worry that Evernote will try to emulate them. I hope Evernote remembers what makes them different from Notion and invests in finding out what their users truly want/need. 

    These are missing features that I've noticed in Evernote Mac. (I realize this thread is categorized as Evernote Windows, but since this thread has the most traction, I'm posting here). 


    • The ability to open Evernote note links in a new window
    • Touch bar integration
    • Tabs
    • "Cmd + R" shortcut to reset search
    • Local notes
    • "Ctrl + Shift + V" to paste plain text
    • Simplify formatting 
    • The ability to use installed fonts
    • The ability to use any color for your text

    Without preferences, I can't adjust the settings to my liking. The text in my notes got smaller. I'm not a fan of the list view text getting bigger. I feel like there's less real estate for my tags in the sidebar. But I can get used to the little UI changes. I've also noticed some improvements. I've also noticed bugs, especially with search and sort by. I hope major bugs get ironed out soon and major features get implemented soon :( 

    Also, I can't believe we're limited to 5 reactions a day. I've been liking comments, and boom! I get a "you have reached your reaction limit" message.

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  9. On 10/28/2020 at 6:40 AM, J.esse said:

    Since upgrading to v10.x, I've been looking how to re-add the 'Code Block' button to the toolbar (instead of having to run through the extra step of clicking the 'Insert' button first).  Guess that answers my question.  Really disappointing that it isn't possible to customise.  I have all this extra real estate on my toolbar and the one tool I use the most, I need to go through a menu each time now, very frustrating.

    Besides using markdown-esque syntax (triple backticks), you can also use keyboard shortcuts "Cmd + Ctrl + B" on Mac, and "Ctrl + Shift + L" on Windows.

  10. For example, look at the attachment below to see how Chrome makes it intuitive to tell which tab is selected and which tab is unselected.

    Which tab do you think is selected? The first tab or the second tab? The answer is the second tab. 

    Chrome makes the selected tab stand out from the top bar. You can see that the selected tab is dark, while the unselected tab and top bar are both light. In other words, the selected tab stands out from the top bar, while the unselected tabs blend in with the top bar. 

    I don't care if the selected tab is light, while the unselected tabs are dark, or if the selected tab is dark, while the unselected tabs are light. 

    The point is, the selected tab should stand out from the top bar, while the unselected tab should blend in with the top bar.

    If the top bar is dark, the selected tab should be light to stand out, and the unselected tab should be dark to blend in with the top bar. If the top bar is light, the selected tab should be dark to stand out, and the unselected tab should be light to blend in with the top bar. 

    In Evernote, the top bar is light gray, so the selected tab should be dark gray to stand out from the top bar, and the unselected tabs should be light gray to blend in with the top bar.


  11. When you look at the attachment below, which tab do you think is selected? The first tab or the second tab? 

    The answer is the second tab. 

    It's hard to tell which tab is selected because the selected tab is light gray, which is the same color as the top bar (the toolbar and tab bar). This makes the selected tab blend in with the top bar, when it should stand out from the top bar.

    Currently, selected tabs are light gray, while unselected tabs are dark gray. I think it should be reversed: the selected tab should be dark gray, and the unselected tabs should be light gray. This is because I think the selected tab should stand out from the top bar. It's more intuitive.



  12. On 6/13/2019 at 2:10 PM, DTLow said:


    By default, spotlight indexes the entire disk

    Exceptions can be applied as per the article at http://osxdaily.com/2011/12/30/exclude-drives-or-folders-from-spotlight-index-mac-os-x/

    Do you perchance know where the Evernote database is located on MacOS? I googled and found this thread, but the instructions seem to be for an earlier version. I tried clicking `Evernote > About Evernote` while holding the OPT key, but all I see is the TOS. I do not see a link to `Open database folder`. 

    In the past, I added `~/Library/Application Support/com.evernote.Evernote` to my Spotlight exceptions, and that worked for a while. But I think after an update, Evernote started reappearing in my Spotlight searches. And now I'm plagued with the periodic "EvernoteSpotlight wants to use your confidential information...." popup which I continue to deny. 

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