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Everything posted by FredJ

  1. Is there any difference between AppLink and BackLink? (e.g. is BackLink just automatically generated by using/pasting an AppLink in Evernote note??)
  2. what's the difference between... Share> copy shareable link and Kebob(...)> copy internal link> copy web link They appear to be two different links...
  3. Doesn't seem to... (+ I'm wanting to filter on JUST notes containing 'backlinks'...)
  4. Is there a way to search for notes with backlinks?
  5. And now let's watch them do a big layoff with all the money they're 'saving'
  6. There are SERIOUSLY so many bugs i can't even log them! I'd be spending all day doing error testing that EN should be doing. Honestly, I've encountered at least 10 just today! I've never experienced such SH**... and it's soooo sad! And it's such a shame that EN doesn't even look here (so what's the use?). I feel so let down! So many years of trusting EN to be the keeper of my valuable notes! SH** SH** SH** !!! (AND IT'S NOT ME, BELIEVE ME!!!)
  7. Yup, forced to v10... In for some nasty surprises me thinks
  8. Even though the new default font is harder to read than the old v7 one, I can not fit as much on each line of a note anymore. A lot of lines that I carefully made 'just' fit, now loop to the next line, so maddening!
  9. Tell me this AIN'T SO!!! PLEASE!!! I have a simple list of tasks, and I'm trying to move the line, including, of course, the checked box! Worked great, and i could select the checked box in v7. Look at all the steps! (Sorry about the noise at 17 seconds) XRecorder_Edited_26032024_193220.mp4
  10. It is sooooo stinking slow I just cannot believe it... it feels like it was written by a kindergarten class... I find myself for example, hitting the backspace key and then I hit it again cuz I thought my thumb missed it, and then bingo two characters disappear, so freaking maddening...
  11. I finally uninstalled, reinstalled, now slow, but about 5sec startup instead of 15sec sometimes...
  12. Insanely slow startups... I only have fiber full 200Mbps both ways, but this is V10 startup is unbearable! Is this 'new application startup' message that I get every time normal? XRecorder_Edited_26032024_161915.mp4
  13. Ah, I get it! so I can be an ass to 'everybody' and then that's okay... instead of just to a couple of people... Then it's really bad, right? ;-))
  14. So now I can't just have one single backup file??
  15. IMPORTANT... (TO MR at least...)... So, I just noticed I can only select 100 notes of my 3000+... so how do I NOW (v10) do a backup for the day EN / BS announces bankruptcy?? Is there still an .ENEX export?? Also, are all my notes now on a server in ITALY??
  16. Oh ya, EN, and all this BS about AI... forget it! Just give me a good search that works well! (EG make it auto jump to first occurrence automatically, not give false positives, etc... Just good working basics!)
  17. On this one I agree with you ... function is huge (I've never used my limit either). That's why it's so important that v10 works as well as v7 did, and I hope they get there... SOON!
  18. I owe you a coffee! I'm so freakin close to cancelling for good, but I took the 40% offer, and I'll give them til then to fix it up... not holding my breath! (BUT sure hope they get a bunch of the ***** fixed now that they can apply a lot more resources to the issues!!!)
  19. And a HUGE hit on everything else... so sad
  20. It's been 13 years now that I've had a pretty good experience and now this, blah
  21. It is so laggy and has so many bugs it makes me want to vomit... Searching is also a terrible experience introduced in V10. Not user friendly at all...
  22. And how does sync then work if your offline, eg with your phone?
  23. I have no issues upgrading. But you continually 'answering' just hides the fact that there are issues with the V10 client that need to be fixed, so if you didn't answer them in a lame way, without acknowledging that there's a problem that needs to be fixed, then maybe Evernote could take note and fix the problems which would make everybody happy.
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